• May 31, 2023

What to do if your boss asks you something difficult

If you haven’t seen the movie, Horrible Bosses, do yourself a favor and watch it. It’s hilarious and very relatable. The reason we bring this up is that, as wacky and silly as that movie was, there has actually been a boss or two who may have asked a little more of an employee than is in the job description.

So maybe this is happening to you, or you anticipate that your boss is a freak. These six steps will help you deal with any strange requests from your boss

For this article, we will provide an “extreme” example, in the hope that your situation is less dramatic.

Here’s the scenario: You’ve been working at your job for three months. Your boss approaches you during a break and asks to speak with you in private. You do the favor and go to his office. Your boss comes out and explains that he is married. He is having an affair. Unfortunately, the woman he is having an affair with is a stage five clinger. He has to break it. And he’s calling his services to handle his “dirty laundry.”

Since you’ve been working for the company, you’ve enjoyed the experience. You don’t want to ruin your job. What do you do in a situation like this, or something similar? These six steps will help you deal with a strange request.

1. Take several deep breaths, take your time

The first thing to do is not to overreact right away. This can be worked out in a win-win way… except the mistress.

Take your time before giving an answer. Let your boss know this is a lot to take in. Let him know that this difficult request of his should not receive an immediate response and that you need time, which will give him time to consider his options.

2. Evaluate the pros and cons

After telling your boss, “you’ll think about it,” the next step is to consider your advantages and disadvantages as a result of your boss’s strange request.


  • You’ll look like a team player.

  • There could be a financial benefit for you.

  • It will show you that you have “brave” and composure.


  • You say no, he threatens to fire you and fires you.

  • You are attacked by the lover, who spits on you and cries making you feel horrible.

  • The wife scolds you for participating, and the rest of your employees look down on you for your lack of scruples.

Weigh your pros and cons, and think long and hard. You have an 8 hour day for a good reason. use it

3. Ask a friend for advice

Now, if your boss is not friends with you on Facebook, you can take him to Facebook and take a survey. Ask the question in yes or no form, and then ask for explanations for the answer. This will help guide you in finding an answer.

Also, ask a friend you trust and respect. Someone who has good morals and that you admire. If they give you an answer that goes against the weird request, then do it.

4. Form a planned response

This is where you want to start crafting your answer. Write it down, or even record it. You have understood the advice, you have a feeling, now you are ready to put your answer on paper.

Write down the pros and cons, and write down the possible outcomes. Don’t be afraid to form different ways of responding. Write things like, “I really enjoy working here, however I don’t feel it’s appropriate for me to get involved in this situation.” Try alternatives and go with what feels best and natural.

5. Practice your answer

This is the most important part, apart from the answer. Now is the time to practice how and what you will say. Find a coworker to practice your response with, and ask for feedback on your boss’s difficult request.

6. Get evidence, document your response

You’ve practiced, you’ve gotten your feedback, now it’s time to get a recorder or make sure your phone can record the interaction.

If things go wrong, you’ll want proof that you’re being victimized by something that isn’t moral. You must document and record anything you believe may be illegal.

Now is the time for your answer. It doesn’t matter if it’s a situation like the one above or a less extreme one, a response like this will help you deal with a strange request from your boss. “(Say boss’s first name), with all due respect, this is beyond my qualifications and training. I am not comfortable completing this application, and personally, I believe that in your circumstance, you should handle this situation yourself as you got into it.”

All of these six steps, and if necessary, adjusting a few steps on the level of your situation, will help you deal with a difficult request from your boss.

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