• March 20, 2023

What is Medicare Part C and what are your coverage options?

Medicare Part C, also known as a Medicare Advantage Plan, is one of the options you have in Medicare. This plan is available through various private insurance providers authorized by Medicare to sell this plan.

What is Medicare Part C?

To understand what Medicare Part C is, you need to understand that this is an option that combines the coverage offered by Part A and Part B, along with other areas that these two plans do not cover.

Medicare Part C plans allow you to cover your health care requirements that aren’t included in Part A or Part B, such as dental services, vision and hearing screenings, and wellness programs. Most Part C plans also provide coverage for prescription drugs.

When you enroll in Part C coverage, Medicare pays the amount necessary for this coverage to the company from which you obtained the plan. However, you will have to pay a certain amount separately out of your own pocket.

Medicare Advantage plan expenses

For Part C coverage, you must pay a premium each month that is separate from the premium you pay for Part B. The amount you must pay depends on several factors, as listed below.

  • The number of deductibles the plan allows you each year
  • The nature of the health care service you require and how often you use it.
  • The amount of money you pay for each service or visit to the doctor
  • If a part of your Part B premium is taken out of this Medicare Advantage Plan
  • The amount specified by this plan as the allowable expense for the medical services you use

Points to remember

When you decide to get a Medicare Advantage Plan, it’s vital to keep some of these things in mind.

First, you can choose from different plans, such as Health Maintenance Organization, Preferred Provider Organization, and Private Fee-for-Service options. Make sure you fully understand the conditions specified by each option before making a decision on which one to buy.

Second, take note of the rules the plan specifies, such as when you can join or leave the plan, your rights under the plan, and the services covered by the plan. Pay special attention to the conditions regarding visiting a specialist doctor and obtaining authorization for certain procedures or you may find out too late that you have to bear these expenses yourself.

Part C is advantageous because anyone can join this plan regardless of their existing health condition. The only exception is that patients with End Stage Renal Disease are not eligible for this coverage.

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