• June 11, 2021

Dating a Filipina means texting = communicating

Dating a Filipina would be the same as communicating a lot with her. Filipinos as a people generally send a lot of text messages! I know someone whose network service company contacted them to STOP TEXTING. You wonder how Filipinos can really text that much (think: 100 texts a day is nothing), and this is how you do it. A person would “buy” or have enough credits on their cell phone to get a service that allows them to send an UNLIMITED number of text messages in 24 hours. Or in 48 hours. This is pretty cheap, something like 50 cents when converted. And those people can text all day, all night, to all the people they like.

Now you might wonder, what the heck would you text 20 people all day? It would be quotes, jokes, and “forwarded” stories, whatever you can think of. You would receive a text message and it would be a joke, witty phrases or a complete story, it doesn’t matter! And this person would pass it on to everyone in their phone book, which is basically the majority of the people they know. This is how Filipinos become one of the best people in the world by the number of text messages they send per day. Of course, it goes to show that if your Filipina is surrounded by people texting and clamoring for text messages, she would be too. If you’re in the US and your service provider allows texting from abroad, you’ll be sure your Filipino girlfriend will text you every now and then to say hello, hello, and to tell you what she’s up to. that moment. . And since you’re dating a Filipina, you’ll be expected to text her back. Otherwise, I would think you are ignoring it. Sometimes men think Filipino women can be clingy. It could be true, but also because hey, we just love texting. Regularly.

Now you may ask, “Why are you not receiving emails on your phone?” Well, because we can’t. Very few people get their emails on their phone because very few people have phones that allow that kind of feature (those would be high-end phones, and in another matter how expensive cell phones are here). And those who have those phones may not know how to go about getting their emails directly to the phones. So we send text messages and text messages. But above all, the people here have telephones that are only used to send text messages and not to connect to the Internet on their mobile. It’s just a fact. For example, I have only had a phone for a week that allows me to check my email using Wi-Fi. I used to have a Nokia phone that only supports GPRS. So text your Filipino girlfriend, or better yet, don’t forget to call her, if only to tell her that you’re thinking about her but can’t talk right now. It will take a minute.

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