• December 8, 2022

Why you should write an ebook

Marketing your business with an eBook is a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and build some credibility within your niche.

The act of publishing an eBook makes you an expert almost automatically. Of course, the e-book should also be good, but the idea is that the e-book is not the main product. It’s just a way to market the main product that is you or your business.

Sell ​​It Cheap Kindle

You can gift it by registering the eBook exclusively on Kindle and then allowing it to be gifted. Alternatively, you can sell it for $2.99 ​​or even more. Up to you. If the ebook is good and you want to make money from it, it doesn’t preclude you from using the ebook as a marketing tool. This only works if you also include links and information about your website and other information within the book.

Collect leads by giving them away

You can also give it away as lead bait or incentive for your customer to sign up for your email list. Still include links in your eBook because your audience will want to buy what you suggest and will return to your website if they know where it is.

Advertising through authorship

Simply becoming a published author carries a certain amount of influence. And don’t let anyone tell you that self-publishing is “less than” every other type of publication. Self-publishing is actually more lucrative these days than finding a publisher, unless you’re already famous and want to outsource some aspects. Publishers won’t do much to help someone who is not yet known. So you can also publish and use the proof of your knowledge (your eBook) to market your business.

Viral Marketing Campaigns

An eBook can be a great way to “go viral” if you know how to promote it. Use social media, book trailers, and book excerpts to market on social media to get the word out about the eBook and your business at the same time.

Put links inside your eBook

This is the most important thing outside of marketing your ebook. Be sure to include links within your ebook because that is how people who buy or download your ebook (or even if it is stolen) will give you business with it.

Promote it on social media

Don’t forget to market your business and eBook on social media using all available media like infographics and memes.

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