• September 24, 2022

Why Cuckolding is not the same as an affair

Cuckolding is NOT the same as having an affair, even though most people think it is. The crucial difference is that one is done with the husband’s full knowledge, consent, and even approval, while the other is not.

cuckolds and affairs

As you may know, an “affair” is when one couple sneaks behind each other’s backs and gets involved with another couple. And while marriages can and do survive an affair, there is no question that they are almost always destructive.

But cuckolding is very different.

Cuckolding, as it is commonly known in the ‘community’ or being a ‘hotwife’, is when a woman takes a lover with the express permission and approval, and usually with the emergency from her husband

Now, at first glance, it seems to most people that this is just as destructive as having an affair, but for the men and women who live that lifestyle, it is not. Here are three reasons why:

  1. Both parties are fully aware of what is going on and, more importantly, both consent to it. This is the biggest difference of all, because part of the destructive nature of affairs is the feeling of betrayal because they almost always involve lies and deceit.
  2. An affair is usually indicative of some deeper problem in the marriage and is an expression of the desire to escape the situation into the arms of another.
  3. Continuing with #2, because this is something that you share, something that you do with each other and not a each other, is a sign that the marriage is strong, secure and loving.

The truth is, couples who are into the cuckolding lifestyle find that it brings them together instead of tearing them apart and it usually means plus physical and emotional intimacy — more sex and love, in other words — in their lives than ever before. And this is especially true when the man is included in the cuckolding, either watching, listening, hearing everything (a must for most men!), or even participating.

No question about it…many, many men have cuckolding fantasies and the sticking point is getting their wives to agree (but when they do…it’s HOT). And if you can follow a few simple guidelines, then the cuckolding lifestyle might be right for you.

But be careful with your sources of information. It IS a potential minefield, and one worth treading carefully. My wife, Josselyn, and I have been in the lifestyle for the last 7 years and aside from a few hiccups, it’s been a lot of fun.

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