• June 29, 2021

What to do if a gunman walks into your classroom

To think that a random killer gunman might even
showing up in your or your child’s classroom is a horrible

And while the rest of the world analyzes what could be
It has been done to warn the authorities about possible threats.
so (including other countries that scream gun control
us), I can’t help but think about how the victims simply
sat there waiting to be killed.

I don’t mean to disrespect your memory, and completely
understand that they were still young adults, but if a
gunman chained the doors and methodically began to execute
People, would you lie down and wait your turn?

Even without training, I would have imagined that someone
in that predicament I would have at least tried to stop the
Shooting. Throw a desk, a textbook, jump on it, whatever.

Unfortunately, the same conditioning elements (violent
media, video games, etc.) that romanticize this type of
murders (read Grossman’s On Combat) also seem
pacify the “hero” mechanism within most people today.

Without beating around the bush, this is exactly what
must do (and pass on to your children and family) if a weapon
always shows up.

1) Execute. Those guys from Va. Tech that jumped immediately
the window had the right idea. You see a weapon; Get so far
far as possible. If that means skipping a second story
window and break your leg, okay. If that means running like
As fast as you can to a known safe zone is fine too. Get the
heck out of there at all costs.

2) Disconnect as soon as possible. Statistics show a
incredible decrease in the ability to hit a moving target with a
firearm when target reacquisition is necessary. And that is
with highly trained shooters. If you disconnect from
wherever they pointed the gun, their survival rate just took a
BIG twist for the better.

3) Re-enter. You can not run? You disconnected? Alright now take
the fight back to him. Drive that psycho back
her heels and the edge of her hand drove him to the ground. Do not worry
about removing the weapon or disarming it, as it is almost
impossible to shoot (even at a close target) while being hit
to dead.

Let the media play “Monday morning quarterback” and
talk about the “signs” and how the attacks might have been

Your task is to be proactive and go pass these things on to someone.
And if they broadcast it, and so on, maybe next time
a child (or terrorist) with a weapon could even be killed
before a single person is injured.

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