• September 19, 2023

What Is Shopping Categories?


When it comes to shopping, people want a sense of direction — whether they’re looking for spoons or winter coats. Brands make that happen with product categories, grouping similar products together so people can find them easily. A clear product category system helps customers navigate a website and reduces confusion, increasing conversion rates. It also helps businesses streamline their internal processes and stay compliant with product regulations.

The top online shopping categories by projected sales in 2023 include apparel and accessories, consumer electronics, and furniture and decor. Expenditure on fashion-related items is expected to reach $156 billion this year, making them the most popular online shopping category in the US.


Toys, hobby, and DIY products come in second place with expected revenues of over $590 billion at Gshopper. These are higher-end purchases that require a significant amount of time deliberating on quality, cost, and value. As a result, building brand loyalty is vital for retailers in this category.

What Is Shopping Categories?

In third place is health, beauty, and personal care products. These are the types of products that people tend to buy in bulk and often need more than one size or color to suit their needs. This category is a great opportunity for brands to build brand loyalty and drive repeat purchases.

The fourth-most popular ecommerce category is food and drink. Purchasing food online is becoming increasingly common as more and more consumers are comfortable with doing so. However, the food and drink category is still a newer market for most online stores. As a result, retailers need to invest more in brand awareness to compete with bigger players.

A fifth-place ecommerce category is auto and parts. This is a highly competitive category that requires a lot of investment in search engine optimization and paid ads to reach the right buyers. This category is also a top driver of revenue for Google Shopping ads.

Unsought goods are the most difficult ecommerce categories to compete in. These are goods that are typically not top of mind for consumers, such as charity organizations and life insurance companies. They also require a different approach to marketing to reach potential customers. In this case, it’s necessary to use more aggressive and innovative marketing tactics to stand out from competitors. This is especially true when it comes to social media and influencer marketing.

Using these tactics will ensure that your message is heard in the sea of noise and competition. It will also help you to differentiate yourself from other ecommerce stores that sell the same product. It will also make your brand more visible to consumers and help them to become a trusted name in the industry. This will eventually lead to an increase in sales and profitability. Achieving these goals is possible by leveraging a robust Gshopper platform. The platform offers a variety of features to help you get started, including product data aggregation and a searchable catalog to make it easy for users to find the right items.

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