• October 29, 2022

We have a real problem with funding research based on gender psychology in the United States.

Many have stated that minorities previously underrepresented in our society were overlooked when there was research on health, psychology, or social science of society. However, today, if you search for almost any Google Scholar topic, the results will be “gender and minority” based studies, at a higher percentage than non-minority studies or studies that are fully inclusive based on gender and minorities. in averages. It’s like you can’t find what you’re looking for as there are so many of these minority and gender based studies. Why? Political correctness, of course, let me explain.

You see, the major federal funders for academic research come from agencies like the NIH and the NSF, which are under the Executive Branch of our Federal Government. For the last 8 years we have had President Obama in the White House, a gentleman with an agenda of leftist causes and political correctness. The Obama administration is supporting our colleges and universities with federal academic funds (taxpayer money). In turn, these colleges and universities have hired hundreds of professors in gender studies, African-American studies, Chicano studies, gay and lesbian studies, etc. by institution and are able to do so because of this flow of money.

When a professor becomes the ‘Principal Investigator’ of a research grant, they are paid their normal salary with all benefits based on the institution they work at while conducting their research. If that research takes up, say, 30-50% of your time, then the institution has to hire another professor for that department to teach those classes. So you get more professors teaching those subjects, becoming tenured and teaching another generation of students who will never find a job in the real world to get a degree in “African American Culture and Gay Identity” for example, but can always give lessons. in the subject.

The problem is that we are graduating too many students with these kinds of worthless degrees, and even if you say; “That information is important!” Okay, and maybe it is, sorry for my lack of knowledge, but if there are NO JOBS for such degrees, how are they supposed to pay those student loans for those outrageous tuition fees our universities are charging these days? ? Why are we ripping off our students and using our public funds (taxpayer money) to prop up political correctness like this, $10 billion a year? Couldn’t we put that money to better use for cancer research? Think about it.

Don’t you think the problem has gotten so bad? Get informed, do a Google Scholar search on your favorite research area, look in a local university’s “classes offered” catalog. It’s true, and it’s incredibly wasteful. Hopefully, the Trump Administration will fix this problem and make sure our tax dollars go toward real, meaningful research, not a political, politically correct, “feel good” bullshit agenda.

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