• September 18, 2022

Walleye Facts and Information

Walleye have some unique characteristics and habits that definitely make them stand out from other fish. To successfully catch these fish, it is necessary to have a good understanding of what makes this type of fish different from all others.

The most unique physical feature of walleye is their eyes. They are incredibly dark and glassy, ​​and are sensitive to light. There is a pigment in their eyes called the tapetum lucidum that helps them see in dark conditions. Although they can see well at night, their special eyes make them sensitive to bright lights, such as the sun. If you’ve ever tried to fish for walleye in the middle of a sunny day, you may not have had much luck. Walleyes will hide during the day to stay away from light; Night fishing for walleye is generally the most productive.

Walleyes are a member of the perch family; his nickname “walleyed pike” is technically inaccurate. These dark colored fish have a lighter colored belly and a forked tail. They can be found in both rivers and lakes, although they will mostly breed in rivers if they can. They are a mobile fish; they congregate in certain areas for a short period of time and then move to a different location. Favorite places for walleyes are weed beds, rock beds, and streams that empty into lakes. In summer they do not move as much as at other times of the year. As mentioned above, due to their sensitivity to light, walleye will avoid sunlight and gather in deep water for protection from the sun. Fall walleye fishing gives the angler more versatility in terms of when they can fish because the sun is not directly overhead during the day like it is in the warmer months, so the likelihood of catching a walleye during the day in autumn is greater than during summer. .

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