• May 11, 2023

Use of language in The Catcher in the Rye – Salinger – Literature

Holden often leaves his sentences dangling with words like “and everything” and “or anything.” She often uses that phrase to extend some unspeakable emotion or action like “…how my parents were busy and all before they had me” or “…they’re nice and all.” But many times expressions like “…I was in the Revolutionary War and everything”, “it was December and everything” and “…without gloves or anything”. (Salingers 5-7)

Holden has many expressions that appear constantly throughout the novel. In some places the expressions only serve to make Holden more realistic, in other places Holden is trying to reinforce the values ​​of him. Holden repeatedly comments on his hatred of fakers. That’s something Holden hates more than almost anything. That could be why he often confirms a statement with “I really do,” “I really do,” or “if you want to know the truth.” He also confirms the comments by repeating them twice such as “He likes me a lot. I mean he’s really fond of me.” (Salinger 141) or “he was a very nervous guy, I mean a very nervous guy.” (Salinger 165) He uses different phrases and styles to give more factual support to his comments, thus avoiding him appearing like a fake.

Holden’s speech tends to stay away from the vulgar and obscene. Every time he says words like “ass,” he’s merely adolescent vernacular for a part of human anatomy. He doesn’t say it to offend. “Ass” is just another word Holden uses to better convey ideas. He may mean cold by saying “freezing my ass”, or “half-done” incompetence, or even “Game, my ass” disbelief. His vocabulary contains many words that are religious but are not used that way. Holden says that “hell” means “to a great extent” when he describes something: “We had a great time”, “old as hell”, “playful as hell”. He uses words that pertain to the divine like “for God’s sake”, “God” and “damn”, yet he never says it in a blasphemous way. They are just parts of his speech. He uses those words casually when he refers to his “damn hunting cap” or calls someone a “fucking asshole”. For more emotional circumstances, Holden reserves “Chrissake” or “Jesus Christ.” Although Holden is not overly religious, he never uses “Chrissake” unless he is depressed or angry. For extreme anger, Holden keeps “son of a bitch” ready. After his fight with Stradlater, Holden continually refers to him as an “asshole son of a bitch”. His anger is also reflected in the sudden increase in the “damn” appearance. While the words Holden uses may not be appropriate, he’s not trying to be sacrilegious. Salinger is simply using the language to make Holden seem like a normal teenager and also to reflect Holden’s state of mind.

Although there were some critics who thought that The Catcher in the Rye should be banned, it became the best post-World War II novel. JD Salinger’s genius use of language throughout the novel made Holden Caulfield human. Due to the accurate portrayal of a teenager, the reader can become familiar with Holden’s idiosyncrasies, making him appear more realistic. By bringing Holden to life, Salinger was able to create one of the most memorable characters in all of literature. End of Part 1 of 2.

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