• October 30, 2021

Top 10 Weight Loss Apps

The apps can be used for just about everything from finding locations to creating exciting new vacation destinations. Recently, apps have made it easier for people to lose weight by focusing on this specific goal and there are some that are much more popular than others.

The BMI calculator

The BMI Calculator has received a nearly five-star rating from Android users, based on over 10,000 ratings. The idea behind the app is based on the work of Adolphe Quetelet, who used a calculation to determine people’s ideal body weight. This can help people set their goal for how much weight to lose.

The diet assistant

This app provides assistance to those struggling to get results for themselves. The app not only acts as a personal trainer, but also as a chef, providing everything from personalized diet plans to shopping lists.

Ideal weight

The Ideal Weight app informs users about their ideal weight, calculates their BMI, and gives them the opportunity to determine where they are as well as where they should be in regards to their weight loss.

The calorie counter and diet tracker

MyFitnessPal has created an application that not only allows people to calculate how many calories they have consumed on a given day, but also how many they have expended through exercise. This app makes it easier for people to track their progress and is made up of a database of over 1 million different foods.

Lose it!

Lose it! It was developed for those people who are struggling with obesity and allows people to set their weight loss goal and follow a very strict calorie intake allowance so that they can achieve this goal. This app also gives people the opportunity to track their progress along the way.

Weight Watchers Mobile

The Weight Watchers Mobile app is based on the work of the Weight Watchers organization, which was established in 1963. This app provides users with exercise information, recipes, obesity news, and much more.

Diet Point – Weight Loss

This application allows users to make use of more than 55 personalized diets from categories that include; vegetarian, blood type, detox, trendy and low carb.

Noom Weight Loss Trainer

This app is an interactive app that outlines daily tasks to help people lose weight, from challenges to meal ideas.

Gym compact

The Gym Pact app allows people the opportunity to earn money while maintaining their weight loss pact. In the event that a user does not keep up with his “pact”, he will end up losing money.

7 minute workout

The 7 minute workout app is just that; an intense, specifically formulated workout that lasts 7 minutes and does not require a person to purchase any training equipment. This application is not only effective; it’s fast enough to tempt anyone.

Not all diets produce surprising results, but from time to time something comes up that inspires people again, and this tends to be the best diets in the industry.

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