• June 27, 2023

The power of marketing

If we look at the physical world, there is a principle that all famous, wealthy or powerful individuals have to deal with in order to establish or maintain their wealth or social position. This is the principle of marketing.

In a social world, marketing is always the main force behind success. To promote individual success, marketing skills are more important than skills in any other field.

Let me clarify the last statement with an example. Suppose you are an expert researcher who has just discovered the cure for AIDS. For this cure to do any good, the world has to know about it and believe in its efficacy. No matter how important your product, idea, or achievement is, it is worthless unless people know about it and use it.

Marketing has been used throughout history to promote public figures.

Even religion has its roots in marketing. During the time of Christ, Israel was full of prophets. Some of them even claimed to have risen from the dead. Why do so many people worship Christ today and no one has heard of any other prophet from that time period?

Many Christians would like to attribute the popularity of Christ to Divine Will. But in this case, God used the advertisements written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and the skills of Saint Paul and other holy apostles to make Christ the most popular prophet in Europe and his Church a world power.

If you think about it, all religious institutions are actually the advertising agencies of the gods or prophets they serve.

Effective marketing does not necessarily need to market the best product. Sometimes you don’t even need a product.

Thirty years ago, IBM had one of the best marketing teams in the world. In 1980 they decided to create a personal computer. They needed an operating system for their PC. There were two companies that were potential suppliers. They were Digital Research headed by Gary Kindall and Microsoft headed by Bill Gates. Kindall was a brilliant engineer and programmer. He had designed the first operating system used by personal computers. It was called CP/M. Bill Gates dropped out of college, whose company was working on the basic programming language and did not know how to create an operating system.

Kindall being a technical person, he never fully appreciated the marketing power of IBM. When IBM came to the prospect of licensing its CP/M software, he flew out and let his wife Dorothy handle the negotiations. She treated IBM like a big “corporate alien” and was unable to reach an agreement with their representatives. She felt that IBM’s non-disclosure agreements were too harsh and demanded more money to license the CP/M operating system.

The first time the IBM people contacted Bill Gates, he sent them to Kindall, since he had no operating system. After encountering Dorothy Kindall’s “corporate alien abuse”, they returned to Gates. This time, Gates bought an operating system for $50,000 and hired its developer to fix bugs and add improvements. Gates also signed IBM’s non-disclosure agreements and licensed the system for an appropriate fee. Although inferior to CP/M, the marketing power of IBM soon made Gates’ operating system, PC-DOS, very popular.

IBM made a big mistake by simply licensing the software, instead of buying it. Because Microsoft retained the rights to it, Gates was able to sell it to IBM clone makers under the MS-DOS name. That is why Microsoft became a powerful corporation and Bill Gates became extremely rich.

We can see how powerful marketing can be. When IBM started marketing their next PC, they were missing a critical component to make their computer work, the operating system. Instead of getting the best, they settled for an imitation with many bugs. In the end, however, the IBM PC became the world’s most popular PC architecture and Microsoft’s operating system became the world’s best-selling pre-Windows operating system.

Marketers with fewer real world skills run the world.

There is a group of marketers who can discuss almost any topic, but understand very few. The only thing they are really good at is promoting themselves. We call these sellers politicians.

If you follow most politicians, you’ll see that from the day they take office, they’re doing everything they can to look good. Every day in office is really a preparation for the next election.

Unfortunately, they serve as our legislators. They tend to have little knowledge of the issues and favor the most influential lobby. Since most of the world’s legislators are politicians, they wield the most influence over world affairs. In other words, they effectively run the world.

A marketing campaign does not have to be truthful to be successful.

The internet is full of all kinds of MLM and Ponzi marketing schemes that are generating millions for the marketers who perpetuate them. People want to believe in things that will give them health, wealth, and happiness.

One scammer currently active in marketing is Kevin Trudeau. If you google his name, you’ll see references to his books and some of his other fantastic products.

This marketing expert mainly uses TV infomercials to promote his miracles. Many of his products are fake and his books mix real research with ridiculous claims.

Even after debunking many of his claims and spending a couple of years in prison, it seems nothing can stop a salesman as determined as Kevin. He is still going strong and accumulating money.

Self-help is another form of marketing that claims to teach you the principles of success.

W. Clement Stone was a successful salesman who made a fortune selling insurance and founded Combined Insurance Company (now Aon, Inc). He believed that the secret to his success was his positive attitude. He wrote books that preached the value of having pma (positive mental attitude).

Advocates of the self-help movement always use pma as a starting point in their attempts to commercialize the secrets of success.

It’s always good to keep a positive attitude, but usually this is not a major factor that leads to success. W. Clement Stone had a very intense personality. He was the type of salesperson who refused to take no for an answer. He was an extremely aggressive workaholic who became a leader in his field. Most people’s personalities lack Stone’s “daring” and “determination”. It’s easy to do daily positive affirmations, but very difficult to change your personality to one that mimics W. Clement Stone.

That’s why many self-help customers are repeat customers. There will always be a market for books, lectures, tapes, and DVDs that help point people in the direction of their unattainable dreams.

In a world run by the Corporate Alien, the rich remain rich because they use their wealth to promote themselves and their projects effectively.

If Paris Hilton got tired of the partying and decided to start a software company, she would be more successful than if some poor but skilled programmer tried to start the same kind of business. Paris doesn’t have to know anything about software, she could hire all the experts she wants. The next day, after informing the media of his plans, every television announcer in the world would be shouting the news: “Paris Hilton reforms and goes into business.”

Even if you didn’t have celebrity status, your wealth could market your company better than someone on a budget, no matter how savvy they are.

To be financially independent, you have to put marketing first and real world skills second.

I now know that if you go to school and learn a practical skill like engineering, medicine, or computing, you are preparing to work for someone else. If you learn marketing, even if you know nothing else, you are preparing yourself to become financially independent.

I never liked marketing. I thought that if I could be good at something practical, I could be financially independent. I have had many ideas but never quite figured out how to market them, nor did any of my close friends. So I had to work for others most of my life.

If you are born into a poor or middle-class family, you must be excellent at marketing, unusually bold, and not always entirely honest to force your way into the upper class. Many of us simply lack the personalities to make that transition. That’s why financial independence continues to elude us.

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