• August 16, 2022

The five best classes to take in college

Regardless of what you have chosen as a major or concentration, college is a time to receive a well-rounded education and learn about many different aspects of our society and the world. Most colleges leave students with enough credits to take some elective courses, and a good way to top it off is by taking any of the following courses:


Everyone can benefit from at least a working knowledge of economics, because economics determines everything from the stability of a society to personal wealth. Even apart from having to do with money, economics teaches important concepts that can be applied to making decisions and developing strategies. Taking an economics course makes following global and national news much more understandable.


Logic is useful because it can be applied to any career or academic field. Logic is usually found within the philosophy department of a school because it is designed to sharpen your thinking skills. Taking logic, which teaches you how to build valid arguments, can be a strong determinant of one’s projected score on the LSAT, as well as one’s potential in fields like law or computer science.

3. Nutrition

Anyone, both in college and out of college, can benefit from taking a nutrition course. Nutrition is the foundation of both personal health and the health of a society. A good nutrition course will not only help you modify your diet and make better personal decisions about what you eat, it will also allow you to make the connection between the health of a society and what you eat.

4. Computer Science

Technology is a field that will not go away at any time in the near or distant future. Many jobs already want employees who have a basic understanding of computer programming or are at least very familiar with programs like Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. A computer science course gives you a basic understanding of how many of these programs work. This course will undoubtedly help you later in your career.


By taking a law class, many people find that they live in a society without fully understanding its laws! Taking a law course helps portray the history of law and how it came to be what it is today. It teaches students to think about the logic behind a legal system, as well as the challenges of imposing laws on society. Law is another class whose lessons can be useful for a wide variety of academic fields and careers.

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