• September 13, 2022

Sweet sixteen parties? More like Sour Sixteen: If You Watch Mtv’s Reality Show

“It’s great to command people.”

“It was amazing to have the cameras following me… I’m amazing and I deserve it.”

“This is how it should be every time I walk into a room.” [teen as she is carried in on a litter]

“I had to show people how rich I am.”

Do these comments make you want to throw up? Of course, and what’s worse, they are real! These bratty statements are actual quotes from MTV’s latest reality stars: girls and boys whose super-rich and seemingly tactless parents give the little ones everything they want for their sweet sixteen parties. Throwing elaborate televised parties costing more than $200,000 and catering to their prince or princess’s every whim, parents show who rules the household (the children) and what really matters (by getting their fifteen minutes however they can, in this case, by buying them). ). ). What a great life lesson: if you have it, flaunt it, and it’s okay to rip people apart in your quest for pseudo-fame. These kids make Paris Hilton and Omarosa look like beacons of etiquette and achievement.

Sure, MTV’s newest reality show, My Super Sweet Sixteen, which premiered last January, is designed to be over-the-top and outrageous. That’s the whole point. It’s the reality TV equivalent of a bloody train wreck: you’re horrified, but you just can’t look away. Kids are so obnoxious and so clueless about how awful they sound, that you’re glued to your tube just to see what terribly selfish thing they’ll say or do next.

Have you never seen the show? It centers on one or two spoiled teens, following them as they plan their sweet sixteen party, make outrageous and selfish demands, shed tears, throw tantrums, and torture their peers with lines like, “You’re not important enough to be invited.” Oh, and then there’s footage of the royal party, where the guest of honor may enter litter-mounted, behind the wheel of a luxury car, pulled by horses, or transported by helicopter. Featured entertainment could be Kanye West, Ciara, Rihanna, or Diddy himself, the king of bland nouveau riche excesses, to name a few. At the end of the night, the children receive sweet sixteen gifts, such as luxury vehicles (some receive two!), jewelry, and even houses. Their overly-indulgent and self-satisfied parents, portrayed to be just as hideous as their children (the truth, or the result of careful editing we don’t know) gloat in the background. I guess money can’t buy happiness, but popularity can.

Before you get too jealous of these spoiled brats, consider how hard they have it, with all their whims catered to, all their demands for kicks satisfied. As one teenager said, “Being rich is hard work!” By the way.

The materialism and extravagance of the MTV show are a far cry from what the average teenager might expect. Thank God, or we’d have a nation of brats, which couldn’t be further from the truth. (TIME magazine’s Anne Marie Cox wrote of MTV’s teens in a recent article: “Their flashy adventures aren’t celebrations of achievement; they’re celebrations of themselves.”) off the ball apparently not to show off, but to be formally introduced to polite society. Additionally, these debutante balls are often charity occasions, “in which the parents of the young girls, as well as all attendees, are required to contribute a certain sum of money to the cause in question,” according to Wikipedia.

Maybe MTV could take the hint… but doing good deeds isn’t good television; spoiled, privileged, selfish brats do. In fact, says Cox: “What used to mark the end of childhood now seems like just an excuse to prolong the whiny, self-centered greed that gives children a bad name. Far from joining polite society like the debutantes of the past, kids gleefully amuse themselves by breaking social graces, alienating friends and sacrificing tact, all in the name of creating a VIP room full of people too young to drive home.” Gross.

So what’s a parent of a teen to do when he or she doesn’t have a few extra hundred thousand laying around? How about inviting some close friends and family to an intimate and meaningful sweet sixteen party? Make the day extra special by presenting your teen with some sweet traditional sweet sixteen gifts that won’t break the bank, will be cherished, and won’t be thrown away the moment something better comes along. Here are some timeless sweet sixteen gift ideas to celebrate this important right of passage for a boy who truly deserves the recognition:

Pearl Necklace: This timeless classic can take your teen from high school to college to their first job and even to their wedding. He will treasure it and pass it on to her daughter one day. Freshwater round strands are affordable and can rival the quality of saltwater akoyas.

Pearl Ring: Another timeless treasure, the pearl ring is sweet and demure…and one of a kind. Unlike a diamond ring, which has wedding connotations, or a gold ring, which can be too flashy, a pearl ring gets proper attention.

Pearl Jewelry Set: Why not buy her a complete pearl jewelry set? You’ll be sure to have a matching bracelet, pearl earrings, and a pearl necklace that you can mix and match for any occasion.

Diamond Earrings – A little pricey, but well worth it, as diamond earrings are a jewelry staple you’ll wear forever. If responsibility isn’t your teen’s strong point, CZ studs can look just as good, and for $40 or so, it won’t matter much if you lose them.

Charm Bracelet: A teen favorite for decades, charm bracelets are special because they can be personalized. Add a slipper charm for your ballerina, a horseshoe for your equestrian, a pearl charm for a June birthday girl…keep adding charms to each unforgettable special occasion and soon she’ll have a memory.

Frame: A beautiful frame made of brushed stainless steel, wood, or mother-of-pearl makes a great gift. To personalize it, fill it with a photo of you and the teen, a poem that reminds you of her, or her birthday horoscope.

For kids, magazine subscriptions and gift certificates to the teen’s favorite store, or even sixteen of something (16 CDs or 16 movie tickets, for example), can make the day special. Best of all? Diddy is not required.

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