• August 3, 2022

Stop wage garnishment: Laws are in place to ensure consumer rights are protected

Laws exist to protect taxpayers from having their assets confiscated. In addition, there are laws that have specific provisions about the collection of taxes by the IRS. These laws are important because tax collection is the main source of revenue for the federal government. The amount that can be seized by the IRS varies and depends on the outstanding tax owed, as well as the total assets of the individual. However, in most cases, there is a fixed cap of 25% of salary. Since the calculation is based on a percentage, the amount seized could be higher if the person’s salary is higher and lower if the salary is lower. Trying to reach some type of equitable agreement with the IRS is the best way to minimize tax complications and lessen the burden of repaying the outstanding amount. If the taxpayer is unsuccessful in negotiating, the last option available would be to file for bankruptcy immediately. Therefore, filing for bankruptcy is a sure way to stop wage garnishment.

If an individual files for bankruptcy, all creditor collection activities related to the debt come to a standstill. The legal community often uses bankruptcy as a weapon to save their clients from the problems associated with a legal verdict. In addition, wage garnishment laws state that while any employee’s wages are being garnished, the employer cannot fire the employee. The law clearly establishes the protection afforded to the work of delinquent taxpayers in these situations. If the employer terminates the taxpayer’s employment, he is subject to a $1,000 penalty. Wage garnishment laws are strict and specific, and a delinquent taxpayer is advised to cooperate with the IRS if such an unfortunate incident occurs. Since everything is done with clear and specific consequences, failure to follow any federal guidelines could cause more legal problems, which is the last thing you want.

If it is possible to satisfy outstanding debts, this should be done immediately. Once the debt is paid, a person does not have the worry of being sued by the creditor and having to defend themselves and stop the wage garnishment. Your creditor should not be appraised or ignored. The taxpayer should try to explain his situation clearly and frankly to the creditor, citing specific reasons for his inability to make payments on time, as well as proposing a solution. It is not recommended to initially opt for a lawsuit. If a person is in a financially sound enough condition to pay his debt within the allotted 10-day time period from the date of the judgment, he can stop the wage garnishment immediately. Another way to use wage garnishment laws is to appeal for one’s basic needs, such as food, housing, and medical care. Filing bankruptcy to stop IRS wage garnishment is always an option, but it should be a last resort.

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