• June 16, 2022

Solar energy of the future: will our cars be next?

When it comes to the solar power of the future, we’re going to have to start thinking outside the box. In fact, we’re going to have to forget there ever was a box.

What we are used to seeing today, things like roofs adorned with rectangular solar panels, or small solar garden lights, solar-powered bags, etc., all of these things will become museum pieces.

Put on your thinking cap and dream with me for a few minutes while we solve the world’s energy problems.

We have become so accustomed to having unlimited energy at our disposal that the first thing we will have to fix is ​​our attitude. With the current power systems we use, continuing down the current path is nothing more than a recipe for disaster. Not only environmentally, but also economically.

It seems we have a particular need to drive 300hp vehicles. Why? Most cars could hit any posted speed limit with 20hp, so why is such excess necessary? You do not believe me? Remember the old VW from years ago? It had a 36 hp engine and could easily exceed any posted speed limit today. No, I’m not selling old VWs, but if it could be done 50 years ago, why couldn’t it be done much more efficiently today?

The one thing we must not forget is this… every time we use 1 gallon of gas, there will be one less gallon available for future use. In the future we may find that gasoline will be put to a more beneficial use for us than moving a 3,500 pound car with a single occupant. In fact, wouldn’t you think that future governments could ban such activity? Think about that for a minute. What would you do if that happened?

In case you think that’s out of the question, consider what has already been done to HOV (high occupancy vehicle) lanes over the last two decades. The only single occupant vehicles (SOVs) that will be allowed will need to be powered by alternative energy. Is that really that bad? No, of course it isn’t. In fact, we must support each and every one of those who work in this direction.

Plans are underway for several electric vehicles. All of these use current technology, and most can offer a mileage cost compared to gasoline cars of about 75 cents per gallon. Depending on where you are, gasoline can cost between $2.50 and $4.50 a gallon (more in Europe), so the electric vehicle will cost considerably less fuel. This cost is based on current prices for utilities (2009) used to recharge electric vehicle batteries.

The future will see not only electric vehicles in abundance, but ones that will be lighter, have better batteries for energy storage, and recharge at home with personal solar charging stations. All of these things will go a long way towards reducing our carbon footprint which, in case you forgot, is one of the main reasons for moving away from fossil fuels in the first place.

And how about this as an idea, every exterior surface of the car would use some kind of energy absorbing material that would convert sunlight into usable energy. So, while he’s sitting in his favorite coffee shop, his car recharges courtesy of the sun.

And no matter what store or mall you’ve been to, there will be a plug available to charge your car while you shop. Still free, no charge!

In case that sounds far-fetched, let’s find out why it would actually be good for business. Can you imagine one mall offering free add-ons and the next one not? Where would you buy? Yes, that’s right, your “fuel” to get back home would tip the scales in favor of the forward-thinking mall. Not only that, there would be prime parking spots for electric cars, right in front of the store. Gasoline cars would be relegated to the last rows.

And where would this power come from? Why, the roof of the shopping center itself, which would be covered with the solar panel of the future. And for those windy days, pop-up mini wind turbines would rise into the wind to capture additional kilowatts. Store windows will have solar capacity built right into the glass. Building materials used for exterior cladding will have solar covers, adding even more energy to the mix. The parking lots themselves will generate electricity. The list is surely endless.

When the day comes when big cities take a more futuristic approach to street parking, what do you think could happen? You arrive downtown and want to park your electric car. Your chosen parking space has an electrical socket for your car, there is no charge for this. Not only that, but parking itself is free! It never happens, you say? It’s not like that… he’s already in London, England.

Do you play golf? Do you drive a golf cart? Where is it recharged? See if you can get your golf club installed with a solar-powered charging system. Everything we remove from the power grid is another step in the right direction.

None of these things will happen by itself. We all need to take stock of our current energy “load” and see what we can do to switch from fossil fuel to solar power. See what you can think of on your own that can be powered by the sun. Maybe an electric lawn mower? You can get help generating electricity from the sun by visiting here.

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