• May 29, 2022

Shih Tzu Training – 3 Ways

Shih Tzu training is necessary if you and your new puppy want to have a great long-term relationship. Your puppy will be part of your family and, as such, he must adapt to your lifestyle. You have chosen this creature to enter your society and you owe your pet instructions on how he should behave. With just a few basic training steps, your pup can be an enjoyable and valuable companion. If you don’t get the right training, your dog probably won’t stay in your house! Training is only one part of puppy care.

There are three basic types of training.


If your puppy is going to stay indoors, you need to housebreak your puppy. Make sure your pup is old enough to train before you start to avoid a lot of frustration. Check with your breeder about the best age. Mastering your dog’s house is very important. If you don’t do this early in your puppy’s life, your Shih Tzu will likely leave your home. Most people can’t deal with a dog that constantly messes around the house.

The old box training method works well. You confine your pup to a small area and closely supervise it. Take the pup out frequently for elimination breaks. The puppy will try not to dirty her area since it is in closed places. Along with this method, there are now many products to help with training at home. There are dog litter boxes, dog diapers, and potty pads. Also consider the Wizdog potty training mat. So there are many aids to help with potty training. But the point is that you must do this.

Obedience training.

Obedience training for dogs is not absolutely necessary like house training, but it is helpful and makes life with your pet more enjoyable. Why not train your dog to obey commands instead of endless repetition of the same commands with little or no response from your pet? Basic commands like stay, sit, lie down and others of your choice can help you and your pet enjoy a better relationship. The keys to teaching these basic commands are gentle and consistent discipline. Be firm but lavish in praise for good performance. You may need some help with training, but you can train your dog yourself with maybe just a little help. Make sure you get the Shih Tzu information you need to achieve your training goals.


Dogs vary in their ability to learn tricks. But if you have basic obedience under control, you and your pet will enjoy learning a few tricks. And remember this is just for fun. The same principles that will help you teach basic obedience commands will also help you teach tricks.

If your Shih Tzu training only accomplishes the house training part, you can enjoy your dog. Adding obedience and trick training only makes your relationship with your pet even better.

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