• January 14, 2023

Preparing your home for the changing climate

It’s that time of year again. It’s the time of year when the lazy days of summer quietly fade into the cooler days of fall. The change of season brings many changes, the most significant being temperature differences. While most of us marvel at the changing colors and watch wildlife prepare for another winter, we often forget that we, like the busy little creatures around us, must also prepare our homes for the changes in weather that come our way. they are coming

Many property owners don’t give much thought to winterizing beyond stockpiling the woodpile, locating shovels or snow blowers that haven’t been used since last season, and making sure you have enough salt on hand for the slippery paths we’ll encounter. this season. In fact, the winter season can bring a myriad of unfortunate, common, and cold-related property incidents. While most of us have heard of furnace failures, broken pipes, and worse, we rarely imagine it happening on our own properties.

Unfortunately, lack of warning and lack of preparation can mean hundreds or thousands of dollars in property damage that could have been easily prevented. There are plenty of early warning systems out there that can be obtained cost-effectively and save you thousands!

Temperature alarm markers have gained a lot of popularity in the last decade. These alarms will monitor the temperature in any room on your property and call a desired set of phone numbers if an alarm condition is met. Early warning of furnace failure can prevent pipe bursts and costly water damage as a result! Water damage is one of the leading causes of home disasters. Cleanup from these incidents is not only extensive and expensive, but the resulting mold and mildew problems can make a residence uninhabitable!

If you plan to leave the property unattended next winter season, make sure you have the necessary protections in place to secure your investment. There are many practical steps to prepare your vacation home or other neglected property for winter. Be sure to check your heating system before the cold weather really hits. Replace all furnace filters and clean ductwork, if applicable, to ensure maximum airflow. If the residence is to be left unattended, be sure to turn off the water and insulate all accessible pipes.

Following these simple steps and installing a freeze alarm dialer will ensure that you are always the first to know if something is wrong, and that you have measures in place to ensure the safety of your investments during the winter!

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