• October 6, 2022

Performance of Office Employees

While management employees should be involved in goal setting, the degree to which they should be allowed to set their own performance standards is necessarily limited. However, management must rely on this group to keep the business going, help meet profit targets, reduce costs, and advance to positions of responsibility in middle and lower management. The discussion of individual performance results is equally important. The manager will have to pick up and carry the ball more often, but should encourage the person to participate in the discussion and freely express her point of view.

The performance evaluation format for a non-exempt wage earner is necessarily less complex than that used for exempt wage earners.

Because most white-collar employees are interested in moving up, they must be given opportunities. The best way to start is with a formal job description and a solid, competitive salary structure that has tiered rates or rate ranges for each grade and is well-managed, updated, and communicated to all administrative employees. To make the most of these efforts, a planned advancement procedure should be initiated and communicated to all administrative employees in small groups convened by their immediate supervisors.

Simplicity and flexibility in administration are the best guidelines. A suggested procedure for planned advancement that encourages supervisors and managers to meet with their people and assist them in their advancement is incorporated in the following management statement to administrative employees.

Promotions are based on employee interest, attitude, motivation, stability, attendance, education, experience, and performance. The more information you can provide for the Registry, the better your chances of promotion. All salaried office employees may complete Planned Advance Record Application Forms. Requests for upward, lateral or downward movements will be accepted. The new planned advance program will operate as follows:

– The employee who wants to be considered for a possible transfer will obtain a form from the supervisor and fill it out in detail.

– The supervisor will review, sign and submit the completed form to the personnel office through the supervising functional manager.

– The personnel office will draw up an inventory of competencies based on the forms submitted.

– As the personnel office receives requests for salaried administrative assistance, the planned advancement registration forms for able candidates will be revised.

– The personnel office will arrange interviews with the supervisor who has the vacancy. The supervisor will notify the personnel office of his decision; if yes, the personnel office will arrange the transfer with the release supervisor.

– An employee whose qualifications change must notify the personnel office and supervisor in writing to reflect these changes in the planned advancement record. Such changes include additional education, experience, special or temporary assignments, and related outside activities.

Good human resource management is the hope that factory and office problems will not be neglected by the human resource executive in his innovative role of problem solving and opportunity creation. It is up to him to develop a balanced approach to human resource considerations at all levels of the organization and for various business conditions, both favorable and adverse. Neglecting the utilization of human resources at any level of any organization will have dire consequences and will eventually affect an organization’s ability to achieve its goals.

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