• August 24, 2022

Perception is your reality

In the old days, sailors were afraid to venture into the distant ocean because they thought the earth was flat like a table. They thought that when they reached the edge of the earth, they would slide down and perish in the bottomless ocean. We now know that this is not true.

My question to you is, was the perception of the sailors the actual truth of the situation? Nope! Did they act as if their perceptions were correct? They sure did. He confirmed that perception is his reality.

So how can we change our bitter experiences? It is by changing our perception and believing that the possibilities we see are limited by the opportunities we see. By changing it we will discover things that we never saw before. Our successes are determined by our desire, willingness to work, and focus on positive thinking. In the words of Howard Shultz, a Starbucks coffee owner, “I think a lot of what we attribute to luck isn’t luck at all, it’s seizing the day and accepting responsibility for your future. It’s seeing what other people don’t see.” , and pursuing that vision.”

Perception is your reality. You attract what you think. If we focus our thinking on our financial problems, it will make financial situations worse. Just ask yourself, what do you want instead of poverty? I’m sure it’s wealth. Why not think about wealth instead of poverty, that way you deprive financial problems of energy and vitality? Then it won’t come out.

By subjecting your mind to thinking of wealth, your thought becomes focused on wealth, thereby drawing success to itself like a magnet attracts nails to itself. It will also help you replace negative thoughts of scarcity with positive thoughts of abundance. Appreciate and always be grateful for the things you already have, no matter how small. Love the people who are already in your life, it is no coincidence that they associate with you. Be grateful for what you want and have not yet received. It is a fact that nature abhors a vacuum. When you give thanks for things you don’t yet have, nature will draw them to you. Sometimes you may decide that what you are asking for is not for you. He’ll send you something even better.

I will conclude this article with an excerpt from the book “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen, “The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do. Doubt and fear are the great enemies of knowledge, and he who encourages them, he who does not he kills them, he frustrates himself at every turn. He who has overcome doubt and fear, has overcome failures. Every thought of his is allied with power, and all difficulties are bravely faced and overcome.”

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