• August 15, 2022

Online Sex Dating – Ladies of all ages

A woman on a sex dating website began her message to an unknown man with the comment that, at the age of 43, she assumed she was older than most women who used the service. She went on to ask him what he supposed to be the average age of women using the website. She may have gained some reassurance with a response that conveyed the impression that the perceived median age was approximately 37/38, placing the respondent only a few years above average. The woman in question expressed her surprise, as she assumed that most of the women using the website were in their 20s. This conversation stimulated interest in looking for some statistical data to give a better idea of ​​the actual age distribution.

In a random sample of 240 women using the website, the following age distribution was revealed:
From 18 to 25 – 52 (21.5%)
From 26 to 30 – 41 (17.0%)
From 31 to 35 – 30 (12.5%)
From 36 to 40 – 23 (9.5%)
From 41 to 45 – 26 (11.0%)
From 46 to 50 – 23 (9.5%)
From 51 to 55 – 16 (6.5%)
From 56 to 60 – 16 (6.5%)
From 61 to 65 – 10 (4.0%)
From 65 to 80 – 3 (1.0%)

Unsurprisingly, the largest groups of women seeking sex dates were under 30, but perhaps more surprisingly, a sizable number were in their 30s and 40s, and even in their 50s and 60s, with some even over 65. The oldest woman in the sample was 76 years old. The mean age of the sample was 37.5 years.

Women in different age groups were found to have somewhat different characteristics, although all, young and old, referred to previous sexual experiences. Most of the women in the lower age groups cited a broken relationship as a reason for using the website. Breakups with a boyfriend were frequently mentioned, but broken marriages were not mentioned by women under 30. However, with women in their 30s, 40s and 50s, a recent divorce was often mentioned as the need to find a new sexual partner. Among older women, some said premature widowhood had left them in need of a new partner.

Although for most of the women a relationship had recently ended, most of the women on the website were not in an ongoing relationship. Some, however, openly admitted that they were seeking to cheat on boyfriends or husbands who were not suitable sexual partners. Very few claimed to be looking outside with their partner’s permission and another small group claimed to be looking for a ‘menage a trois’ with the participation of their partner. An almost universal characteristic was the belief that a perfect sexual experience had so far eluded the complainer, but was still possible if the right partner could be found. The age distribution of the sample suggests that this hope endured for many women throughout their working lives and even into retirement.

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