• May 23, 2021

Omega-3 supplements fight candida overgrowth

Yeast infections are more common than you think; in fact, they are often the hidden cause of popular illnesses like ADHD. The organism generally responsible for these infections is candida, a type of yeast that can be found in the gastrointestinal tract, mouth, and genital area. There are several natural ways to combat the overgrowth of this bacteria, such as reintroducing “good” bacteria and taking omega-3 supplements.

Normally, the growth of candida is kept in check by good bacteria. However, certain factors such as the use of antibiotics, a depressed immune system, and a high-sugar diet create an environment that allows candida to thrive. When this happens, the candida transforms into tentacle-like fungal spores that damage the intestinal wall and mucosal tissues. Candida can also produce a toxic gas that penetrates the damaged intestinal wall and enters the bloodstream. Through this passage, they can reach various parts of the body and create candida colonies outside the intestine. These areas include the joints, muscles, and sinuses.

Candida symptoms are generally grouped into three categories. If you experience these symptoms, you may have a yeast infection.

Category 1: Leaky Gut Toxicity

  • Muscle bread
  • Migraine
  • Food allergies

Group 2: damage to the endocrine system

  • Athlete’s foot
  • Cystitis
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Thrush
  • Bread set
  • Ear infection
  • Asthma
  • Water retention
  • Sinusitis
  • Chronic fatigue

Group 3: intestinal problems

  • Flatulence
  • Diarrhea
  • Swelling
  • Itching in the anus

Treating a candida infection involves reintroducing “good bacteria” like bifid bacteria or lactobacilli into the gut so that they can revert to the dominant bacteria. These bacteria can also restore food absorption and efficient digestion, helping you recover from nutritional deficiencies caused by candida infection. However, bacteria alone will not solve the problem; you will also need to make dietary changes. The simplest way is to avoid eating sugar, yeast, and simple carbohydrates, which candida thrives on. Eat only fresh food and drink plenty of clean water.

Omega-3 supplements with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and omega-6 fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) also have certain properties that can calm candida infections. Once in the body, these fatty acids are converted to leukotrins and prostraglandins, which enhance the response of immune cells and regulate hormones. Its anti-inflammatory benefits also relieve joint problems and irritable bowel symptoms caused by infections.

Stress is a factor that aggravates the symptoms of candida infection. Omega-3 fats can improve your brain’s response to stress, balance mood, and neutralize the negative effect of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Another reason to take omega-3 fats and GLA supplements are nutritional deficiencies caused by candida overgrowth. Low levels of vitamins and minerals prevent your body from absorbing and using the fatty acids you eat. Some studies suggest that candida overgrowth is related to low levels of omega-3 fats. When you supplement your recovery plan with omega-3 fatty acids, you can overcome the problems posed by nutrient malabsorption in a gut full of hostile candida bacteria.

You can get EPA from fish oil supplements and GLA from primrose oil extract. Look for a supplement that has both EPA and GLA to make it easier to consume.

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