• April 9, 2023

How to prepare well for your next job interview

Internet is undoubtedly the best source of information, also for job interviews. It will help job seekers prepare well for it. However, it is necessary to distinguish the quality information from the rest, as well as understand where the real value is hidden. Generally speaking, you can find two types of interview tips online. The first group is the council of people – job seekers. The second group represents websites created by recruiters, hiring managers, or corporate interviewers. Each group has different points of view. While job seekers often only see their own perspective, employers and interviewers can often help you see things from their point of view. I suggest you check out the tips posted by both groups. That is the best thing you can do to see the interview from different angles.

Correct answers to interview questions do not guarantee a job offer

Most people believe that the correct answers to interview questions guarantee you a job offer. But there is much more that you have to do if you want to be successful. First of all, you need to have an outstanding resume and cover letter. It should build you a good path in an interview. So, I suggest you try your best to show your motivation and strong determination for the job. The interview is not just about your verbal communication, keep that in mind. Nonverbal communication is equally important. You should always maintain eye contact with the interviewer. A handshake matters too. Don’t forget that interviewers are trained to do their job well. Every little detail in an interview is important. Sure it’s nice to mock the answers to interview questions, but it’s not enough. You will have to do a lot more to be successful.

Where else to look for interview information?
The Internet is not the only source of information on job interviews. In fact, you can get much closer to the current. The information interview is a great way to get good job interview advice, directly from the person who works at the company. Maybe you’ve already heard of it. A job applicant prepares a series of questions and meets with someone from the company to talk. However, it is not appropriate to ask directly about the interview questions or the interview procedure at the company. On the other hand, you can wisely learn more by asking the right questions. For example, if she asks about company values ​​or a colleague, she can see what matters and what recruiters are looking for. It is important to prepare well for this informational interview. In fact, it is a two-way interview. They are also testing you, at this stage already.

There is also another good question: what can be considered a success in an interview? Is it to get a job? Well, I don’t think so… First of all, you have to be realistic before an interview. There are often hundreds of applicants for each job position. Each person has some strengths and some weaknesses. It doesn’t matter how well you are qualified or prepared for the job. There may still be a better qualified or more suitable person for it. On the other hand, it is a numbers game. You should always keep that in mind. The more interviews you have, the better the chances of landing a job. Please don’t be disappointed if you don’t get a job on the first try. It happens very rarely… You have to trust your abilities and apply for a job again and again. As time goes by, someone will definitely choose you.

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