• July 11, 2022

How to choose a pet

Choosing a pet is such an important decision as that dog will be a part of your family for many years to come. Do you want to bring home a stray dog ​​from the local animal shelter or do you want to invest in a thoroughbred from a breeder?

Mixed breeds (or mutts) are combinations of different breeds and come in many shapes and sizes. In most cases, you won’t know what it will look like or how big it will be as an adult. However, Thoroughbreds have been bred to look and act a certain way and their ancestors are members of the same breed. Puppies that come from reputable breeders will also have been screened for health issues. However, it is interesting that although genes determine personality and grooming needs, good manners are determined by the personal training of the owners.

Cost is another thing to consider. Getting a dog or puppy from a local shelter can be very inexpensive, around $30-$40 and this should include shots, deworming and spay/neuter. On the other hand, if you decide to get a purebred dog or puppy, depending on the breed, these can be quite expensive.

Stray dogs from our local shelters are readily available and in abundance because, unfortunately, there are not enough homes for the millions and millions of them. So a good thought is that by adopting one of them, you would be saving a life.

Before you make your choice, a mutt from the local shelter or a thoroughbred, it would be a good idea to talk to your veterinarian or perhaps a dog obedience trainer to help you choose the perfect dog or puppy for your particular family and, therefore, course, lifestyle. You should also take into account the size and type of coat (short, silky, or unshed) and the dog’s temperament, ie high or low energy.

Years ago, when our family went to our local shelter to pick out a dog, the four of us split up and went in different directions within the shelter to try and find the cutest, perfect dog for us. None of us had any idea what we wanted. One of our sons came across the cutest pooch we had ever seen, half Cocker Spaniel and half stranger. He was two years old and adorable. I was the one designated to pick him up the following week and, having never been around dogs before, I asked a friend to come pick him up with me. She didn’t know if she would be safe driving home alone with him, since she didn’t know what his personality would be like.

From the first day we brought him home from the kennel, this little dog (we call him Snuggles) was absolutely the BEST dog in every way. We loved him until he passed away at the age of 13. There will never be another Snuggles.

However, always remember that all dogs, regardless of whether they are strays or purebreds, need to be loved. And, you may also want to pamper them like you would your child, with exclusive pet accessories.

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