• December 8, 2022

How to Build Bigger Muscles Using the “100 Reps” Method

No, not in a training session, not on a set! If you have been in bodybuilding sports circles for a long time, then you must have heard of this concept before. Even guys who have been training in the same gym as you have also probably tried the “100 reps” technique from time to time.

Most of the hardcore bodybuilders have rejected this technique. If you look at it from a realistic side, it’s because of the marathon repetitions. This absolutely runs counter to known logic: lower reps, higher weights, equals more muscle growth. How can a set of 100 reps be effective for building muscle when you have to choose a very light weight to complete it? The lack of research on this method leaves us wondering if it is worth it or not. The comparison between the defects and the advantages will give us a clear idea of ​​whether the technique is beneficial.

What has been written so far about this method may be incorrect, but we would like to say that we found a way to improve its efficiency significantly. We have managed to maximize the intensity level which stimulates the muscle growth process. We’ll introduce you to a completely different way of looking at the “100 reps” method, so you can find out how to use it to achieve maximum results.

TEA 30% RULE. First of all, we would like to clarify something that is often misunderstood in the old method. In it you don’t have to pick a weight light enough to do 100 reps in a single set without interruption. You have to choose a weight so that you can do around 70-80 reps (ie 20-30% of the weight you can do ten reps with). To add the reps to a total of 100 you have to do as much as you can with this weight. When you feel like you can’t do one more rep, you should take a break for the few seconds left to add to the reps you just did to get to 100. After waiting that long, do the rest of the reps up to 100. For example If you’ve reached 75 reps, take a 25-second break, then do the remaining 25 reps.

Most bodybuilders who use this technique do only one set like this for one type of exercise and 1-3 for a separate muscle group. If you don’t know anything about muscle structure, you may be wondering: how can such a light weight stimulate muscle growth? First of all, it should be noted that a weight that you can do 1-6 repetitions with is better for training muscle strength, and a weight that you use for a maximum of 7-12 repetitions is better for muscle growth. A weight that is above the 12 repetition limit is better for muscular endurance. This is why so many experts claim that the old “100 reps” method is outdated and just a waist of time. But think about this: athletes who work only for resistance generally don’t care about muscle size. You might add that bodybuilders, on the other hand, who do reps in the 15-25 range, actually massively increase their muscle mass as well. Recent studies show that athletes who are being monitored adding a set of 25-30 reps after doing five sets of 5 reps each have shown greater muscle growth compared to athletes who have also just done 5×5 sets. Sure, 25-30 is a far cry from 70-100, making it impossible for those two studies to support the old “100 reps” method. Only the people who work in the gym can support it by indicating the benefits of it.

One of the great benefits of the “100 reps” technique is the change from your normal training plan. Ask any veteran bodybuilder about stressing his muscles and they won’t say anything other than agree with his answer. Muscle is like the human brain, if you do something long enough, you get bored. And with that boredom comes muscle growth to a halt, unless you stress your muscles with a different approach.

Muscle fiber stimulation. When you do the “100 reps” method, you stimulate every single muscle fiber in the muscle group you’re training. This is so because during the long time of work the overloaded muscle fibers stop working, which causes other muscle fibers that were initially excluded from the training process to start working so that the movement continues and ultimately results in further growth. muscular.

Microtrauma. When using the “100 repetitions” method, you not only cause all muscle fibers to participate in the training, but also cause microtrauma to most of them. That will result in your muscles feeling more swollen and then having a stronger muscle fever. Muscle fever and the muscle soreness it causes isn’t just a sign of a good workout. It also means that microtrauma has appeared in most of the muscle fibers. One of the ways muscles grow is by replacing traumatized fibers with new, larger, and stronger ones.

Increased level of Growth Hormone. The more repetitions there are in the method and the short breaks, stimulate a greater secretion of Growth Hormone during training. Since growth hormone is considered to be one of the reasons for muscle growth, we think it’s a good idea to include the “100 reps” method in your training program from time to time.

More blood in the muscles. The fourth benefit of using this method is that there is an increase in blood vessels, thus supplying the muscles with the necessary nutritional supplements. The result of supplying more oxygen and blood to the muscle cells immediately leads to better growth.

In general, the “100 reps” method will help you build muscle faster if you use it correctly and wisely. It is a very good alternative when you feel that your muscles are bored with the same old workouts. It has proven itself to many and it is up to you to go and try it yourself.

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