• January 19, 2024

How Rare Is Variegated Monstera?

Variegated Monstera

A variegated Monstera plant is a visually stunning houseplant, one that will likely command a premium price tag and won’t be easily available at your local houseplant retailer or even at most home and garden centers. But if you’re willing to dig a little deeper into your budget, then this is a plant that’s definitely worth the extra expense.

But how rare is the variegated Monstera? The variegation in a Monstera Deliciosa is caused by a gene mutation and can only be produced through plant breeding or through cutting and stem propagation from an existing variegated plant. Both of these processes are slow, labor intensive and expensive, which is why this type of plant is so highly sought after.

It’s also important to note that this genetic mutation is not considered stable, meaning that the plant may lose its variegation over time. This is a common fear for many Monstera owners, as the beautiful leaves can start to fade or turn completely green as the plant ages. This is a result of the plant utilizing all of its chlorophyll to sustain itself, and can be avoided by keeping the plants in bright indirect sunlight for most of the day.

Luckily, there are some plants that are genetically stabilized to maintain their variegation. This includes a plant called the Monstera Thai Constellation, which was created in laboratories to preserve its variegation and has been successfully reproduced from cuttings.

How Rare Is Variegated Monstera?

If you’re looking for a true variegated monstera, then the best place to look is online at houseplant retailers and on social media plant swap groups. These are places where people will offer rooted leaf cuttings or even fully established plants for sale, although expect to pay a premium.

While it’s a great idea to check these sources, keep in mind that the internet is full of scammers who will try to take advantage of plant lovers. They might offer a rooted leaf cutting that’s a different color, or try to trick you into buying a non-variegated Monstera. Some will even go as far as painting a fully-green plant with a little bit of white variegation to make it seem more authentic.

When purchasing a variegated Monstera, the recommended way is to get a rooted leaf cutting with an areal root attached. The cheapest option is a stem-only cutting, but these are very difficult to root and are prone to rot. You can also purchase an entire plant, but these are much harder to find and often have a hefty price tag. This is because a whole and healthy plant requires the labor-intensive process of stem propagation, which can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars.

The Variegated Monstera, scientifically known as Monstera deliciosa albo variegata, is a captivating and sought-after cultivar of the popular Swiss Cheese Plant. What sets it apart is its stunning variegation, featuring patches and streaks of creamy white or yellow against a backdrop of rich green foliage. This unique characteristic makes each leaf a work of art, adding a touch of elegance to indoor spaces.

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