• July 31, 2021

How Honey Can Help and Repair Your Skin: Living Holistically

The beeswax produced by bees is one of the oldest forms of organic compounds from the Neolithic Age. The first documented use of beeswax for medicinal purposes was documented in scriptures in 5000 BC, which showed beeswax mixed with propolis, which is a mixture of various plant resins, and then applied topically for its antibacterial properties to wounds. to promote healing and recovery.

In Ancient Egyptian times, Cleopatra used a mixture of Aloe Vera, Honey, and various oils on her body and hair. Sometimes a milk and honey bath was prepared for Cleopatra while she soaked her entire body inside to hydrate and flush out the toxins of the day. This was part of their daily skincare routine, and was copied by most of the elite in Egypt, as honey was considered scarce and only available to the rich who could harvest it.

In the days of Middle Evil Europe, honey was mass-produced by peasants and used as a form of currency that was generally paid to feudal lords in Germany, Austria, and Prague.

Bacteria cannot grow or survive when honey is applied because it has strong antibacterial properties due to its high potassium content. Honey retains and attracts moisture, so when applied to the skin, it keeps the moisture intact and close to the skin until it is absorbed. This activity is called wetting or adding and trapping moisture.

Important note: Only honey is that only organic and chemical-free honey should be used in skincare routines. This is not the same honey that you find in your supermarket because it has been processed, diluted and other chemicals have been added. Organic, chemical-free honey should only be used because it maintains all of its original vitamins and antioxidant properties. Make sure that when you buy a honey lotion, it does not contain any harmful or other chemicals that could interfere with the antioxidant power of the original organic honey. For a great suggestion on a Honey Body lotion, check out this organic honey lotion. All Made from Earth products are holistic and chemical free.

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