• May 4, 2023

Golf Conditioning Complex

When conditioning for golf, one must look at their current fitness program and examine their own needs and goals. It’s no surprise that many golfers get bored with their current routine and don’t see results. For many golf athletes, the main thing is to increase flexibility, stability, increase strength and power, and last but not least, burn fat. In addition to these objectives they want to do this in the shortest possible time. To save time, I like to implement complex conditioning. What is complex conditioning? According to Istvan Jarvorek, a Romanian-born strength coach who developed complex conditioning with barbells and dumbbells, “The main purposes of these exercises were to find an easier way to do a complex of exercises that would change the monotony of a workout and at the same time have a greater influence on the neuromuscular and osteomuscular system”.

In a nutshell, the Jarvorek Dumbbell Complex requires non-stop weight lifting, going through a series of exercises that engage all major muscle groups. The routines may seem easy, but even the 2# and 3# dumbbells will be difficult for most beginners.

Javorek always emphasizes the following: perfect body posture, use of full range of motion, use of perfect execution technique, and stable rhythm of execution. He start with light dumbbells and give it a try. These are the exercises used in Dumbbell Complex I:

1. Dumbbell Upright Row X 6 reps

2. High pull snatch with dumbbells X 6 repetitions

3. Dumbbell Squat Push Press X 6 reps

4. Bent-over dumbbell row X 6 reps

5. Dumbbell High Pull Snatch X 6 Reps

The idea is to perform these exercises in a continuous order without stopping. Start with 1 set, increasing to 2-3 sets as you get stronger. For an even bigger challenge, increase the number of repetitions up to 12 on each set or increase the weight. Keep in mind that you can use any tool you like: bands, bars, kettlebells, medicine balls, or dumbbells. This form of training has enormous benefits for any athlete who does it and especially for any golfer who wants to complete their training in record time. Here is one of my favorite kettlebell complexes for golf. Start with a kettlebell on one side, once you have completed all the repetitions, switch arms. Be sure to use the perfect technique.

1. Swings with one arm X 6 repetitions

2.Clean & Press X 6 repetitions

3. Windmill X 6 repetitions

4. Squat with kettlebells X 6 repetitions

5. Squat to Press X 6 repetitions

Depending on your level of conditioning, you can start with one set on both sides or try to complete as many sets as possible in 20 minutes. The beauty of this routine is that it is fast. Fast doesn’t always mean easy, this routine is not easy, but it will produce tremendous results in terms of increased strength, power, and stability. Windmills, when performed correctly, will increase flexibility in the hips and strengthen the core; swings will increase the resistance of the back muscles. You will also notice rapid changes in body composition due to high caloric expenditure.

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