• September 6, 2022

Get Women Addicted To You – Real World Seduction eBook Review

We have all read a book that was good. It makes you reflect on your life for a second or two. Time well spent. Then sometimes you read a book that is a real winner and you take something from it and make it a part of your everyday life. Then sometimes you read a book that’s so “out there” that you’re pretty sure if you implement what it teaches, you’ll be breaking multiple laws at once.

Let me assure you that you will not, the only laws you will be violating are the natural laws of attraction between men and women.

By the time I discovered Swinggcat’s Real World Seduction eBook, my success with the ladies was unreal, even if I have to say so myself. However, he knew there was even more to learn.

Enter Swingcat.

This is the best of Jedi mind tricks. Swinggcat is the master of pure attraction, picking up girls and taking them home the same night. As I read this book, the hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up as I realized the power he could have over women by knowing these things. By using hardwired attraction switches found in all women, Swinggcat discovered techniques that make women emotionally addicted to you. Push-pull is one of my favorites. I have applied it myself and will never stop using it, because it works like magic.

Push-pull is all about sending women on an emotional roller coaster that makes them addicted to you. One moment you’re still laughing, connecting, really getting along… and the next moment you turn your back and talk to the girl next door and she gets that “dog food bowl” look. classic.

This is just one of a plethora of techniques that Swinggcat conveys in Real World Seduction. The book consists of 5 main parts, each of which consists of a few chapters.

  • Part 1. Becoming the prize

    The inner game is where every good dating book should start, and Real World Seduction is no exception. This is where Swinggcat comes into the mindset that she must have in order to drastically increase her success with women. I loved the part about frames and meta-frames. Basically, she teaches you how to establish and take control of the entire interaction so that everything leads to exactly the result you want.

  • Part 2. Awardability

    This is where some valuable gems are found. Swinggcat strongly promotes the idea of ​​being the prize and not giving your power away to a woman and treating her like the prize. You learn how to approach women and open them up, some cold reading techniques that are sure to get you some very interesting looks (the good kind, trust me) and also some storytelling and relationship building techniques to make women totally comfortable with you. Talking to a woman you’ve only known for a couple of minutes and “knowing” her better than some of her best friends makes a big impression.

  • Part 3. Prices

    In these chapters, Swinggcat offers you everything you were waiting for. The things that make girls go crazy for you. It starts with something he calls Open Loops, a conversational technique that implies you know something about a girl but don’t complete the sentence, leaving them wanting more. This is followed by my favorite, Pushing and Pulling: The art of sending mixed signals. He had sold me on “Pushing”. You can also look forward to some amazing chapters on body language and role play. Role play is another fun, having the girl interact, which is what you want. The more someone commits to an interaction, the more meaning it has for them.

  • Part 4. Chick Test and Chick Frames

    Like every other part of his book, this one is just as brilliant. We’ve all had it, you approach a woman you’d like to meet only to be rejected quicker than Steve Buscemi flirting with Paris Hilton. Come to think of it, if her reputation is anything to go by, she might get some action, but she can turn that “could” into a “most likely” just by reading Real World Seduction. Part 4 explains how to handle chick tests from A to Z.

  • Part 5. Putting it all together

    The book’s conclusion is written as a complete collection by Swinggat. He walks you through the whole process and explains where he used what from the book. You can see the flow of the interaction from the meeting to the sex, as he demonstrates in this actual interaction that he had.

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