• October 13, 2021

Fortune Telling Card Combinations: Tarot Readings Featuring Aces or Tens

Cartomancy, derived from Tarot reading, involves divination with a normal deck of cards. The Aces and Tens of the various suits have special meanings when found in combinations with certain other cards. Learn to recognize these special meanings and what they can predict for you.

Cartomancy and the Tarot

Card divination has its roots in the Tarot and has been done by readers since ancient times. These early covers were drawn and illustrated by hand, providing a wide spectrum of quality in their color and craftsmanship. Later, with the advent of the printing press, decks of cards could be produced, provided the illustrations were limited and simplified. For this reason, the cards evolved without the highly illustrated major arcana of the Tarot. And since card fortune-telling was a common and enjoyed hobby, meanings were developed for the new deck of cards. These meanings were originally transmitted orally from reader to reader. Subsequently, they were assembled, printed and sold with the cards themselves. The following meanings come from these collected sources.

Aces and special combinations

The Ace card of each of the four suits is the root card of that suit, with strong individual traits related to its suit. For example, the Ace of Hearts calls for love, friendship, and happiness at home. When the Ace of Hearts falls next to another heart, ask for a new friendship to appear. When it falls between two heart cards, it predicts a strong love story for the client. When the Ace of Hearts falls between two diamond cards, it predicts a windfall of money and wealth. And when it falls between two cards of spades, it predicts fights and squabbles for the client. The ace of diamonds alone predicts money or a communication for the customer. Also, when this Ace falls next to the eight of Clubs, ask for a business proposal to be presented to you. The Ace of Spades alone requires emotional conflict or a bad love story. You can also predict the death of someone close to you. However, when this Ace falls to the King of Clubs, it predicts a participation with a Politician; when it falls next to the Ten of Swords, it predicts a serious job or undertaking on your part. Lastly, when the Ace of Spades falls with the Four of Hearts, it predicts a new birth for someone close to you.

Ten and special combinations

The Ten of Hearts alone predicts good fortune and happiness for the client. Additionally, the Ten of Hearts will cancel the effects of adjacent bad luck cards and strengthen the power of adjacent good fortune cards. This is a very good letter to draw for a reading. The Ten of Diamonds itself is a card of exchange, predicting marriage, money, or a trip for the client. But, when the Ten falls next to the two of hearts, it almost always means that a lucky marriage is in the making. The Ten of Spades itself is a card that predicts the customer’s misfortune and concern. Additionally, this Ten cancels the power of adjacent good fortune cards and multiplies the power of bad fortune cards that land next to it. The Ten of Spades next to a Club card predicts serious business problems, while the Ten of Spades surrounded by two Club cards predicts theft, counterfeiting, or catastrophic business loss for the customer. This is one of the worst possible cards in a reading.


The Aces and Tens in the dominant suits of Hearts, Diamonds and Spades have special meanings when they occur in a Cartomancy reading. Always look for these cards and interpret their combined meanings to get a complete picture of what fate has in store for you.

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