• February 4, 2023

Extra Large Dog Houses for a Saint Bernard

The working rescue dog from the Swiss Alps also had jobs in the security, herding and hunting sectors. Very versatile for an extra large breed dog, the Saint Bernard will stand approximately 28 inches at the shoulder and an adult male can weigh anywhere from 160 to 250 pounds! So the breed has not only been famous throughout history for its ability to serve as rescue dogs, but their size also makes them notorious in rescue stories. With their broad chests, thick necks, and large heads, these pups are strong and even hold the world records for dog strength.

If they are trained when they are young to be socialized and accepting of people and children, they can do very well as adults. Due to their strength, size, and weight, it is critical that they are properly trained as puppies. They are eager to please their owners and even if they are not aggressive they will draw your attention to visitors and with their size they can certainly deter unwanted guests. In a large fenced-in yard with their own extra-large dog house to protect them from wind, rain, and extreme heat, they can be an effective security system. A giant like that barking and moving towards someone could certainly make them reconsider a home invasion.

As with all pets, proper training is aided when they have their space to go. A sign that they need to relax and get their 200-pound bodies out of the way. The people in the house will need this, and the dog can also benefit from having its own home to retreat to. A large fenced in yard will allow them to stretch out and roam and then return to the comfort of home. They are adorable and devoted, but this way they will be in place to watch the outside of the house and listen for any sounds and shed and drool outside for a while.

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