• June 24, 2023

Choosing the Right Outdoor Plant Container

From teacups to oil drums, there’s nothing you can’t use as an outdoor plant container. Your choice of plants, your decorative style, your budget, and your creative imagination will influence your plant container choices. However, there are several things to consider before you start adding plants to your outdoor pots.

Very small containers dry out quickly and offer limited growing space, so the teacup is probably not a good choice. Very slow growing plants such as sedums or cacti will do well in a restricted environment. However, keep in mind the water needs. Some succulents need a good amount of moisture.

Make sure any container you choose has good drainage. With the exception of pond plants, ornamental plants do not like to have constantly wet feet. If you are concerned that the potting mix will drain along with the excess water, cover the holes with a single layer of newspaper or a coffee filter before adding the potting soil.

Clay or terracotta planters

Available in almost any size and shape, clay plant containers are traditional garden resources. Its appearance is especially attractive in warm and sunny southern or Mediterranean garden designs.

Unglazed clay pots are porous, which means that water from the soil will evaporate through the sides of the container. They will have to be watered more frequently than less porous containers. Painted or glazed clay pots will retain more moisture on a hot day.

These pots are heavy for their size. If you are planting a large pot, moving it will be difficult. If you anticipate having to move a large terracotta pot, place it on a decorative dolly with wheels before filling it with potting mix. This way, you will be able to move it even when the interior floor is wet and heavy.

If you cover these containers with plastic before planting, you can reduce water loss from the sides. The easiest to use is a plastic bag big enough to touch the sides of the pot all over. Remember to drill drainage holes in the bottom. When adding your potting mix, hide the sides of the bag by pushing them into the mix before planting.

Because all crock pots are porous, they don’t do well outside during cold winters. The moisture in the pot will expand if it freezes, often cracking the pot. Cement and other stone vessels will often crack in sub-zero temperatures for the same reason as well. Consider whether you will be able to move your pots to a warmer location for the winter. If this is not possible and you want to preserve your plantings, choose another type of container.

wooden containers for plants

Whiskey barrels and other wooden patio containers are popular. Because wood will eventually deteriorate when exposed to water and sunlight, lining wooden bins with heavy plastic will extend their life and reduce exterior water spots.

Cedar, redwood, and teak are naturally resistant to water breakdown. Containers made of wood or treated wood will generally last a bit longer than untreated wood. However, some chemicals used to treat wood are not suitable for edible plants and can pose a health risk. Always check the materials used to treat any wooden planter for safety.

Pots, tubs and metal wagons

As long as there is drainage at the bottom, you can use any metal container to hold garden plants. Keep in mind that any large metal container will be heavy, so place it where you want it, unless it has wheels.

Plastic and Resin Containers

Plastic plant containers are the lightest and often the least expensive containers for the garden. Of course, this is why your plant nursery uses simple plastic pots.

You can find resin containers that mimic the look of cement or glazed ceramic. These pots are useful if you don’t want to worry about freezing, cracking, or being overweight. Most are quite handsome, too.

Plastic and resin pots are non-porous, so they won’t lose moisture as quickly as unglazed ceramic. Because they don’t lose moisture, it’s especially important to make sure they have enough drainage at the bottom so the plant roots don’t fill up with water. Many resin containers have holes that must be opened by the end user. Be sure to do this before you start planting.

Thin plastic pots will have a short lifespan, eventually cracking in the sun. However, because they are inexpensive, it will be less expensive to replace them every few years.

Color makes the difference

Dark plant containers will soak up the summer heat. If the roots of your plants get too hot, they will be damaged or even die. In hot climates, choose lighter colored containers to reduce heat buildup.

Avoid Outdoor Pot Saucers

Many planting containers come with saucers to contain the flow of water. Avoid saucers under your outdoor plants, as these are excellent places for mosquitoes to lay their eggs. Your plants may absorb a little more water between waterings, although this is not always the case. However, your garden and patio will be invaded by mosquitoes.

Whichever container you choose for your planter, the three main things to remember are: 1) choose the correct size for your plants. Too small a container will have no room to grow, and too large a container will overwhelm and dwarf your plants; 2) make sure your container drains well; 3) Check soil moisture regularly and maintain the type of moisture your plants require. Don’t plant a cactus and a rose in the same container: their water needs are very different.

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