• May 11, 2022

Being a First Time Author and Selling Books: A Dose of Reality

It seems like just about everyone I know has written a book, is thinking about writing a book, or has been told by someone that they should write a book. While I’m not technically a first-time author, it’s been so long since my last that I don’t think it should count against me. Certainly very few people can remember that business book published way back in 1989.

Authorship is glamorous, right?

News reports about book events by authors Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, and Karl Rove have been making headlines in recent weeks. Their books were published, they hit Amazon, and these authors gained even more fame, money, and celebrity as each scheduled book event came to a successful close.

“If only I could get my novel published, I could buy that house in the country,” laments one aspiring author. “Once my job is there, I can quit my office job and stay home and write,” dreams another. All I need is a break, and here I am on the New York Times bestseller list!

Well, they’re right, right?

No. That is, of course, unless you already have a built-in audience of millions waiting to part with $24.95 for a chance to meet you and get your autograph. If that doesn’t describe you, let me share the facts, just the facts, ma’am.

Publishing a book is like buying a horse

Not everyone who wants a horse will be able to buy one. Not everyone with a story will be published. What is common to both the horse and book scenarios is that the upfront cost is the easy part. Once you bring your dream horse home, the serious bills start piling up and the real work begins.

The same goes for publishing a book in today’s market. Almost a million book titles were published last year if you add up the figures for traditional publishers, self-published books and e-books. I have seen reports that a successful book in today’s market is one that sells 5,000 copies.

Do you know how hard it is to sell 5,000 copies? We’ll get back to that in a bit, let’s talk about the fun stuff first: money.

Authors who are published by traditional means are usually paid through royalties. Contracts differ between publishers and authors, but for argument’s sake, let’s assume you’ll receive a royalty of 15% of the price the publisher receives for books sold in the marketplace. Please note that your royalty is not 15% of the cover price, but is calculated on the amount the publisher receives per copy.

Authors make millions

I guess some do, just like there are people who win the lottery. Writing a book and buying a lottery ticket are bad budgeting bets. Just for fun, let’s assume your book is one of the few that actually sells 5,000 copies. If your publisher puts a cover price of $19.95 on your book, it’s quite possible that the amount received per book will average around eight dollars, give or take. Don’t get too caught up in the details until we get through the concept part. So, if all 5,000 books sell and aren’t returned (did I mention that what’s sold doesn’t always really sell…), the gross to your publisher is about $40,000. Congratulations, you are a successful author. Now let’s take a look at your paycheck.

Don’t call the real estate agent yet, your gross royalties are $6,000. I’m not going to speculate on what it might cost you to write her book, but I know the clerk at my office supply store smiles every time I come by for more paper and ink for the printer.

If you’re still itching to spread your story or message, maybe it’s time to move on to marketing; actually selling books.

Selling books is personal

The only way to sell books is to tell your story to people who are interested enough in the details to write a check, hand over cash, or hover their computer cursor over the BUY NOW button and click the left mouse button. .

How to reach these people? How will they find your book? The answers are the same. You need to get their attention in any way possible. Creativity is good, but persistence is even better.

First-time authors don’t usually receive paid promotional tours from publishers. First-time authors typically get a listing on the major book sites and distribution channels that will supply books ordered by bookstores. Note that I did not write, “Available in bookstores.”

The most important thing to successfully market your book is great content. Your book must be good! The words you write must somehow satisfy a need in your readers’ lives: for entertainment, for inspiration, or as a source of needed information.

What comes after is work. Then more work. Like the horse example, the real effort begins when your book is published. Finishing the final edition of your manuscript barely gets a start if your goal is a successful book.

Is this where it gets glamorous?

Sure, if you think bringing book cases, tables, chairs, and all the accessories needed to put on an attractive display for book fair patrons is glamorous. Then there’s the matter of starting a conversation with anyone who comes within earshot of your stand. You have to be a people person to sell books. Did I mention that selling books is a personal thing? Unless you are very well known, you are very lucky to have the opportunity to tell every person who walks up to your table about your book and why it might be important to them.

The real value of book signing events is debatable. Book fairs can be long and tiring days. Each author must critically analyze her book and decide if it appeals to a wide enough market that such events would be good choices.

How else can I reach potential readers?

The article you are reading I wrote for free. Why? I wrote it as a service to fellow authors and to let them know that I exist. This is an example of book marketing. My usual topics have something to do with horses or faith, but writing and selling books is something I’m getting to know more about every day.

The Internet is a wonderful tool. Each book has a specific market. Your challenge is to reach your market and talk to the people who make up that market. My true goal is to share a message of faith. I use the written word as well as personal appearances and video to get the message across. Once you’ve published your book and fully understand that selling copies is a marathon race and not a sprint, then it’s time to let your creativity run wild.

The reality of authorship

This is where I share my reality as an author with you. I am passionate about the message I share with my readers. There was never an option NOT to share it. I’m in this for the long haul. I hope that when people close the back cover of Amazing Grays – Amazing Grace, their lives are forever changed for the better.

Is your message great? Are you passionate about sharing it with others? If you answered both of these questions with a loud and emphatic “YES!” then you may need to continue with the goal of getting published.

Don’t plan on paying big bills with your royalties, but you can have a message that will make a material difference in the lives of others. What better goal is there?

When that first email arrives telling you that your words ‘changed my life,’ your heart will grow about two sizes larger and you’ll go back to the computer to do it all over again.

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