• October 25, 2022

Angels – Angel of Mercy Ra’amiel

My understanding of mercy is that it encompasses kindness, compassion, understanding another’s point of view, love, and empathy… all of which are part of the whole.

To show mercy to others, we must first give ourselves permission to see past our perceived shortcomings in character and the belief that we are worthy to manifest our dream of living our purpose.

Empathy is the ability to understand what another person is experiencing without having to fully immerse ourselves in the current situation.

If you are an empath (someone who is extremely sensitive to energy), being compassionate gives you intuitive insights on how to be merciful.

Due to past programming, we take on the task of judging and possibly condemning ourselves. Even after we are no longer in the presence of those who put us down and made us devalue our truth, we draw similar situations and relationships to ourselves.

Being merciful is nurturing yourself through the many layers of acceptance, release, and ultimately giving up for whatever mistakes you feel you made along the way.

Ra’amiel, Angel of Mercy, shows us how to be merciful first to ourselves and then to others. It is very easy to judge and condemn each other and ourselves.

We have tongues that cut using words designed to hurt, sometimes beyond repair. Words can be given to lift rather than tear down.

Ask Ra’amiel to help you contain harsh words before they leave your lips. Words, kind or harsh, once spoken cannot be undone.

We have the power within us to forgive through mercy, kindness, and compassion…all are expressions of unconditional love.

Ask the Angel of Mercy to guide you through anger, pain, and disappointment and into the light of unconditional love and mercy.

Ra’amiel’s green-gold energy heals and seals the past, leaving everything that no longer serves you behind where it belongs.

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