• July 8, 2022

american foxhound

The American Foxhound is very similar to the English Foxhound, but is lighter and taller than the English cousin. His reputation is that he has a better sense of smell. The head is long with a well shaped but slightly domed skull. The eyes are large and set wide apart and have a prominent gaze. The ears are hanging and wide, set close to the head. This is still a large dog and his legs are long and straight. The tail has an upward curve but does not pass over its body. The coat is short, somewhat firm, and can be any color. These are fast dogs.

History: This Foxhound has come from England, the English Hound. They were brought in around 1650. This breed, 100 years later, was bred to a French hound by George Washington. They have been used mainly as hunters and for tracking as they have a wonderful nose and can track well. The American Foxhound has been a tireless hunter over time. With his great sense of smell and speed, an asset to man. Today they are mainly used for hunting and field trials.

Temperament: The American Foxhound will need a lot of exercise and is best if he works. It is not always a good house pet, as natural instincts are due to its outdoor history. His bark is unique and low. When they find a scent they like or want to follow, they can howl and bark a lot. They are formidable fighters on the hunt. On the other hand, with the right amount of exercise they can be affectionate and gentle. They are great with children. He has no problem getting along with other dogs, but should be on the lookout for small pets due to this breed’s hunting abilities. They have inexhaustible energy and, to put an end to inner restlessness, you have to take them for long daily walks. The faster the better, so brisk walking or jogging with this dog is best. As with all dogs, this dog needs to know that you are changing and this will allow him to lead the way rather than the dog leading the way.

Health Problems – The American Foxhound dog breed is mostly free from many problems. You need to watch their weight as they can easily gain weight. Good exercise and portion control works best.

Grooming: The American Foxhound is low maintenance, but does require a comb and brush for short-haired dogs. This only needs to be done a few times a week. Bathing is not necessary frequently and should only be done if necessary.

Living Conditions: The American Foxhound is an active dog. It is best to have a very large garden or cultivated area. They are not recommended for apartment living. Even with a large yard, this dog needs vigorous exercise and a secure yard to keep him from chasing a scent he wants to follow.

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