• June 19, 2023

A quick crash course in bread machines and why you need one

The bread machine is a modern invention that doesn’t get as much credit as it deserves. In fact, compared to toasters, blenders, and coffee makers, bread machines are the unsung heroes of kitchen appliances.

It’s a real shame when you think about it. Good kitchen appliances are appreciated because they make life a little easier. And bread makers require one of the most labor and time consuming things you can do in a kitchen: make bread, and it makes it quick and easy.

There’s simply nothing like eating a slice of warm homemade bread fresh from the oven. And homemade bread not only tastes great, it also smells heavenly. In fact, the smell of bread baking can do anything from boost your mood to help you sell your house.

Most people would eat fresh homemade bread every day if they could.

So why don’t they?

For most, making bread from scratch is the problem.

If you’ve never tried making your own bread before, it can seem like a complex and mysterious process that you’re too intimidated to tackle. And the truth is, making bread completely by hand, even if you use a simple recipe, can really be challenging.

If you’re an experienced baker, timing may be the issue. Making a simple loaf of bread by hand can take several hours. If your life is as busy as most people’s, you probably don’t have time to make homemade bread.

That’s where the bread machine comes in. First of all, they are fast. You can set up a machine to start making homemade bread in just minutes.

The bread machines are also easy to use. Even absolute beginners can produce a beautiful and delicious loaf of bread with the help of a bread machine.

Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a newbie to bread making, there are countless reasons why you need a bread maker in your kitchen.

The advantages of using a bread machine

Compared to making bread by hand, using a bread maker has several benefits.

You don’t have to do the kneading. Kneading is the most arduous part of the bread-making process. It’s exhausting, tedious, and leaves you with sore arms and tense shoulders. Yes, it can be therapeutic. Pounding a piece of bread dough is a good way to work out your frustrations. However, if you’ve had a great day and just want to make some bread as quickly as possible, let the machine knead it for you.

No big mess to clean up. Making a single loaf of bread can require the use of multiple bowls, pots, pans, and utensils…all of which need to be washed and put away.

It’s also hard to make unfinished bread with flour all over the counter and, in most cases, the floor. And that mess also has to be cleaned up.

But you don’t have to worry about cleaning up a big mess when you use a bread machine. Everything that can create a mess takes place inside the machine. So aside from the bread maker, all you’ll need to clean is a measuring cup or two.

Worry less about making mistakes. There are so many things that can go wrong when you make bread entirely by hand. It is possible that you did not knead the dough enough. Or you could over-knead the dough. Or you could make a mistake with the yeast, causing the dough to not rise correctly. Any of these mishaps can result in a loaf of bread that is tough, tough, and as appetizing as the leather on a shoe.

Fortunately, using a bread maker makes making bread almost foolproof. You don’t have to worry about how much to knead the dough, or whether or not the bread dough will rise. The machine takes care of all that for you.

Now that you know the benefits of using a bread maker, it’s time to choose one that’s right for you.

How to choose a bread machine

There are many machines on the market. They come in a multitude of shapes and sizes, and can have a variety of features. So how do you decide which bread machine is right for you?

Ask yourself these questions.

How much do you want to spend? There are cheap machines that can produce a decent loaf of bread. However, they are usually quite small, so you can only make small loaves. Cheap bread machines also tend to be lacking in features. Still, if you just want to make a small loaf of bread each week, a cheap machine might be all you need.

How much homemade bread do you really need? For some people, making bread is a hobby. They only make the occasional loaf of bread, usually when they find an interesting recipe they want to try. For these fans, a machine that makes small loaves might be enough.

For some people, making bread is a huge lifestyle change. For example, if you have a large family and have decided to stop buying store-bought bread altogether, you will need a larger machine. Look for a bread machine that can make at least a 1-pound loaf. You can even find larger machines that make 2-pound loaves.

But keep this in mind. Homemade bread has no preservatives and spoils faster than store-bought bread. Will your family be able to eat a 2 pound loaf of bread before it goes stale? If not, stick with the 1 pound bread machine.

Do you need a machine with a timer? Some bread machines come with delay timers, so you can set the bread maker to start at a certain time. Using a timer, you can set the machine to start while you are sleeping or shopping. If you do it right, your bread can finish baking right when you get home from work. And what could be better after a hard day’s work than a slice of freshly baked bread?

How to get the most out of your machine

Yes, bread machines are almost foolproof. But there are things you can do to get the best possible results from your machine.

Choose recipes carefully. Not all recipes will work correctly in a bread maker. Fortunately, a quick internet search is all it takes to find bread recipes that have been modified for use in bread makers.

You can also find mixes made especially for bread machines. These mixes are convenient, affordable, and nearly impossible to break.

Do not leave the bread in the machine for a long time. Homemade bread is best when it’s still warm. Some machines can keep bread warm long after it has finished baking. However, bread left in the machine for too long could end up soggy and not much fun to eat.

Make the bread easy to remove. Thoroughly spray the inside of the machine with cooking spray before adding ingredients. This will make the bread easier to remove after baking.

Use bread machine yeast… Always. Some recipes do not specify the type of yeast to use. But, for convenience, use bread machine yeast whenever possible.

Bread machines are a modern marvel that many people are just beginning to discover. If you’ve never made bread from scratch before, a bread machine will allow you to produce beautiful, delicious loaves of homemade bread in no time. If you’re a seasoned baker, but haven’t had time to make a lot of bread from scratch, a bread machine will help you get back in the game of making homemade bread with ease.

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