• July 22, 2023

A mental health checklist for the start of school

As parents go through their lists to make sure their kids have everything they need for a new school year, it might be worth adding one more item: “How’s your mental health?”

As they transition from summer vacation to school days, children are thrown into stressful situations and environments that will require some adjustment to do well in school.

Likewise, if a child begins to take on more responsibilities at home, becomes more independent at school, or decides important character issues with friends, you can expect increased stress levels for everyone involved, including parents. However, this time could also be a good opportunity to prepare your son or daughter to handle future stress.

Parents may be surprised at how far our local school operations have progressed in over twenty years. However, there is a need for parents to see the current school experience through the eyes of today’s students. Their perceptions of classmates, teachers, and schoolwork may not match the parents’ view, and any understanding of their problems will remain limited until this gap is closed.

Stephane Stegeman, MA PC, a recent addition to the Community Counseling Services staff, provides mental health services for Crawford County Elementary Schools. She places great value on the strong connection between home and school, and has worked with families and schools to create successful environments for school-age children. She agrees that “as school adjustment progresses, schools and parents will benefit from working together and communicating when there is positive behavior or concern” about a child’s behavior or health.

Although most of the child’s day has moved to a different setting, parents still need to see themselves serving on the front lines with their children. They will be more likely to recognize significant changes in their son’s or daughter’s behavior before anyone else.

For example: Do they complain of headaches and stomach aches more than usual? Do they seem easily agitated or impatient, or do they tire frequently? Are they depressed and closed off from discussions about their day or their feelings? Parents may also begin to notice poor grades, incomplete homework, or antisocial behavior such as lying, stealing, and irresponsibility. The child may also have lost interest in playing sports or participating in group activities (“Kids and Stress: Are You Pushing Your Child Too Much?” ohioline.osu.edu).

Parents can learn how the child is handling the anticipated changes by committing to the following steps:

– OBSERVE the sources of stress and the child’s reactions to them.

– LISTEN to what he says and doesn’t say. Many times, her silence can be a clue to something else.

– GET INVOLVED in the activities and functions of the class. Learn what happens on a typical day in class.

– TALK with the teacher about the child’s behavior.

– TAKE NOTES if a negative pattern is developing.

– CALL IF YOU NEED HELP. See a family pediatrician or school counselor.

Community Counseling Services is a private, non-profit organization, supported by the United Way and a contractor to the ADAMH Board of Crawford and Marion Counties.

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