• April 1, 2022

8 Specific, Professionally Designed Leadership Training, Emphasize!

After more than four decades of personal involvement in almost everything related to leadership, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing and mentoring thousands of actual and/or potential leaders, as well as serving, personally, as a leader, in several times, I firmly believe that the most essential need, to ensure better and more prepared leaders, is, if organizations, committed to and consistently use professionally designed leadership training programs, that are customized to address the niche, the nuances, history, heritage, vision and mission of the individual group. With that in mind, this article will attempt, briefly, to consider, examine, review and discuss, 8 details, which must be included and thoroughly examined.

1. Develop/improve/improve attitude: We need leaders with a positive, can-do attitude who prioritize solutions rather than simply accepting status quo! Or, can you believe, he can, or he can’t, and, either way, he’ll be right! An essential component of training must be, to begin with, the meaning of one’s attitude, including, using, affirming, and improving any and all strengths, while addressing all areas of weakness.

two. Skill/Ability – Set Development: What good is any training unless/until you enhance the relevant aptitude and skill sets needed to become the best possible leader? Some of these skills may include: organization, relevant knowledge/understanding, budgeting, motivation/inspiration, etc.

3. General skills: How will you make a difference, for the better, unless you are trained, competent, ready, willing, and able to know how to achieve the quality objectives for this specific organization? While each group has specific needs, which one must understand and address, it is essential to proceed, with a skill set, that uses, effectively, a mix of time-tested and timely approaches, insights, ideas and approaches. etc! These general skills include: developing financial relationships and effectively using strategic planning to formulate and take advantage of the best action plans.

Four. Group – specific requirements: What specific nuances need to be addressed to make each change, a difference, for the better?

5. Address concerns/answer questions: If you hope to make a difference, for the better, a leader must be well trained in using the 5 steps to address concerns and answer questions, fully and effectively.

6. Empathy/emphasis: To be a better leader, one must commit, to take the time and have the discipline, to listen and learn effectively, from every conversation and experience, to become the best one can be! This should create a level of genuine empathy and direct one’s main emphasis, agenda and priorities!

7. Strategic/action planning: The best – qualified people, emphasis, meaningful strategic planning, emphasizing and focusing on perceiving and conceiving, creating, developing and implementing relevant and sustainable action plans!

8. Inner Circle Selections/Options: One must surround himself with the best people, to help him, better, and attend, needs, goals, etc, effectively! Instead of randomly choosing your inner circle, make these selections based on who might make you more impactful!

Groups that take leadership training seriously and use professionally designed programs generally maximize their potential to have the best leaders. Will your group prosper and proceed wisely?

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