• May 2, 2022

7 Regarding the persistent perceptions that some have!

What does it take for some, whose beliefs and perceptions are so strong, to seem inflexible and unwilling to fully consider the real facts (regardless, apparently, of the evidence), to open their minds and realize? / I admit, the elected public official, that they support, was less than, totally honest, with them? How often do we hear and/or read, on social media, etc., that certain people continue to use often disputed facts to justify their beliefs and argue against anything to the contrary? With that in mind, this article will attempt, briefly, to consider, examine, review, and discuss 7 persistent and troubling perceptions held by so many individuals.

one. Trump got us the vaccines – Biden is doing nothing: Although, Operation WarpSpeed, certain companies encouraged to research and bring to market these vaccines, the first pharmaceutical company, which launched their version, never accepted money from our government, although it was subsidized by some other nations, and the previous administration, ordered, too – few doses, to meet our needs. Although Trump made many promises, he released very few, and only when President Biden made it a top priority did more doses become available. In fact, due to less than stellar planning and implementation by the Trump administration, there was not enough infrastructure and/or significant plans to address this horrible virus.

two. Trump’s Great Economy: To a large extent, Trump’s great economic performance was based on smoke and mirrors! His 2017 tax reform, instead of helping the middle class, as promised, greatly benefited wealthier individuals and corporations, and created a huge federal deficit that, of course, expanded dramatically due to tensions caused by the pandemic. ! Artificially low interest rates made borrowing much less expensive and made it more economical, for corporations and our government to borrow funds! In addition, it made the stock market, the only game in town creating conditions, beneficial, for the increase in share prices. Studies and data indicate that the low unemployment rate, while beneficial, did nothing to reduce the ever-expanding wage gap.

3. The need for the Wall and anti-immigrant policies: The former president often articulated an anti-immigrant perspective! The demand for him and his focus on the need for the South Wall, created a symbol, to unify the haters and/or fearful, but, according to experts, had little impact from illegal immigration!

Four. It is a kind of deity: Isn’t it interesting, so many, perceived, perhaps, one of the least religious individuals, chosen, in recent memory, as some kind of deity? When we heard them say that he was sent, for Godetc., it must be extremely worrying and unsettling!

5. Trump won the election – was stolen: It wasn’t just Biden’s victory, of course, the popular vote margin, it was one of the largest in recent history, and the Electoral College margin was significant! After more than 60 court cases, each ruling went against the incumbent, yet it did not stop him or his supporters from continuing to say the election was stolen, even though they produced no facts. supporting his positions!

6. deep state: We keep hearing about the so-called Deep State, but given that for the first 2 years of the Trump administration, Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, why do so many believe that? Isn’t it easy to assert something, without proof, if his main supporters seem to believe what he says, even if they don’t agree with both the facts and what we see?

7. Calling the virus a hoax/minimizing public health experts, etc.: How often has Donald Trump proclaimed the virus to be a political hoax and/or downplayed its threat, etc.? Can we explain, at least in part, the reluctance of some people to wear a mask, despite the pleas of public health experts, to be, based on the example (or lack of) given, by your president ?

Unless/until people are willing to do at least some fact-checking, they allow public officials to wield more influence than perhaps they should! Will you become a more responsible citizen?

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