• June 16, 2023

7 Pillars of Lifelong Learning to Grow Your Business

Are you a lifelong learner? Or are you someone who considered ‘homework’ and ‘studying’ to be just something you did while in school? The people who continue to accumulate knowledge are often the highest paid people in your business and the ones you will find at the top of the success totem pole. Becoming a lifelong learner is an extremely valuable trait to acquire.

Best of all, you don’t always have to take out another college loan to pay for your master’s or doctorate to continue your education.

Here are the 7 Pillars of Lifelong Learning for Business Owners:

1. Your local library

Do you have a library card? Do you even know where your local library is? Becoming a frequent visitor to your local library is a great way to build your knowledge base without spending a dime! I take a trip to my library twice a week. Once to leave anything pending and the second time to find more knowledge!

I also use my time in the library for research. I spend a lot of time in our business section reading all the titles and noting which ones catch my eye. This is a great way to inspire creativity. Before leaving the library, I sit down and write a list of 10 article titles. When I get home, I use this information in my idea file. When I’m not feeling inspired or creative and it’s time to write, I just pull out my idea folder and pick a topic that catches my eye.

2. The Internet is the Information Highway

There is a HUGE database of information online. There is probably too much information for the average person to spend 10 lifetimes discovering in the online world. Sometimes you’ll find hidden “gems” of content that you can’t believe you didn’t pay a dime for, but you often get what you pay for, especially if it’s FREE.

3. Listen and become an expert with audio programs

As a business owner, time is money. Most of the time you don’t have the opportunity to dedicate an entire day to a book or a home study course. Audio programs are a great way to learn on the go. Whether you listen to it in your car or download it to your ipod, you can digest an entire book in a day!

If you are driving, be sure to take an audio recording device with you. It is very dangerous to try to type while driving. An inexpensive audio recorder will help you record your thoughts and ideas.

4. Home Study Programs

I love home study programs! They offer a lot of value and a solution to help you grow (either your business or personally) on a specific topic. Many home study programs guide you step by step to create exactly what you need. I recommend several that I have used to grow my business, and you can find them here.

5. Membership programs

There is an association for each type of business. These membership programs are a great way to start networking with others who provide a similar service. The support forms are great because there are usually members of all levels of business, from beginners to veterans answering your questions.

6. Masterminds

Masterminds are different from membership programs in almost every way, but they are often thought of as one in the same. About the only similarity is that you are working with other people. Generally, the masterminds are a select group of participants (between 4 and 10 people). Fewer than four people can make it difficult to get enough feedback to be successful. More than ten can take too much of your time. Masterminds are a GREAT way to dramatically increase your knowledge and skill level.

7. Live events and seminars

Live events are my favorite way to get your business up and running! If you find yourself stuck where you are right now (especially if it’s not where you want to be) find a powerful seminar and reserve a seat! If you are attending a multi-day event, it is very important to keep a journal of each day’s events and your reactions (separate from any notes you take during the seminar).

I think it’s best to take note of your feelings (not just what happened). This way, you can return to that place of inspiration at any time in the future.

These 7 pillars are by no means a complete list of the best ways for you and your business to continue through the pursuit of knowledge. They are simply the 7 that no one should skip.

Please leave a message below about your favorite ways to continue building your knowledge and growing your business.

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