• March 24, 2023

5 Things That Get In The Way Of Your Channeling And How You Can Deal With Them

Ever since I posted my first channeled message on the internet, people have asked me, “Can I channel too?” My answer: “Yes you can”! However, there are some obstacles that you must overcome. In this article I tell you what they are and how you can treat them.

Channeling can come in many forms. Through your connection to your higher self, you can connect with your angels and guides and pass on any words or images they give you. You can even connect with the Archangels or Beings of Light and communicate with them. You can have a conversation where you talk to your angels about your life and they give you their point of view on things. You may have a sudden inspiration, a great idea, that came from ‘out of the blue’ but actually came from your higher self.

If you want to communicate directly with your higher self, guides, and/or angels, there are a few things that can get in your way:

  1. Your own doubts, thoughts and belief systems. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy, so if you feed a belief that you can’t channel, you won’t be able to achieve anything! You have to bypass your mind long enough to give it a try.
  2. It is possible that you have an energy blockage or fear in the channeling area due to past life issues. You don’t want to burn yourself on that stake again! Many times we have built very effective walls to protect ourselves. However, at this time it is completely safe to channel, be yourself and speak your unique truth, no matter what your fears tell you. It is time to let go of these fears, heal your past trauma, and fully step into your power. Connect with the disempowered little one you have from the past and who is afraid to show up. Give him love and acceptance and reassure him that the world is a different place now. Assure him that he is now fully capable of dealing with the responsibilities of speaking his truth and watching the energy change.
  3. Fear of what others think of you. This can sometimes seem like a coping mechanism, which puts you in the former category. However, we all have this fear in one way or another, even if you have healed all things from your past life. It is totally human to want to fit in, to be recognized and accepted. All of us are trembling when we first publish our information, be it our own articles or channeled information. The only way to get over it… is to get over it! Step beyond fear and do it anyway. Start slowly if you like, showing your information to people you trust. Ask their opinion and let them help you have the courage to spread your word further.
  4. I stick to the result. When you ask Spirit about a topic you’re heavily invested in, you’re not a clear channel. You have to let go of your attachment to the result or the answer to be open to all the possibilities that Spirit can show you. You have to go one step beyond human thought in order to receive a higher vision. Therefore, it is important to clear your mind before you begin channeling. If you are emotional or unbalanced, wait until you are balanced and of higher energy before channeling.
  5. perfectionism To get messages from home through, they have to go through their own filter. There is no other way. We are all human, so all channeled information is filtered and imperfect in some way. It carries the energy of its channel. It is important to note that this is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it makes each piece of data unique and valuable. Each person and each channel brings its own color. With all colors, a wonderful painting can be created. If you withhold your color because it’s not good enough, too similar to another color, or too different from others, you’re devaluing the paint. So go ahead and share what you have to give!

If you take the courage to step beyond your fears, doubts, and limiting belief systems, anything is possible. Spirit is waiting for you to start communication. You have something special and unique to give, whether it be channeled information or your own knowledge and wisdom. It’s time to speak your truth and show us what you have to offer. If it does, we will all benefit.

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