• September 21, 2022

4 benefits of podcasting

If you’re considering making a podcast, but haven’t made the final decision yet, you may be trying to find good reasons to start. There are actually plenty of great reasons to do them, from helping move your business forward to earning residual money from the podcasts themselves.

Podcasts are very popular as more and more people start listening to them. The audience is out there and waiting for YOU and the information that you and only you can provide! Before you give up on the idea, consider some of these reasons to make a podcast.

1. It can give you a break from writing blog content

First of all, if you have a website or blog where you have a lot of content written, you may want to take a break. Having content on your site is a great way to sell products and advertise services. Having good content can also help you communicate with your group of readers.

But creating new content can lead to burnout at a certain point.

If your hands ache from keyboard aches and pains and you’re running out of creative ways to write a compelling blog post, consider speaking into a microphone instead! Many people find it much easier to get information and express their point of view when they speak, rather than write. You’re saving money with podcasts, by not having to pay someone else to write for you (if you’re outsourcing this aspect of your marketing), and you’re finding an easier way to communicate information to your audience, all at the same time.

two. Podcasts Work for People Who Are Camera-Shy

Another good reason to start a podcast is because you don’t have to be in front of the camera! Some people make video podcasts (myself included), but you can make an audio-only podcast and no one will think less of you!

Maybe you want to add multimedia content to your website, but you don’t feel comfortable sitting in front of a camera. You can still talk about the same topics on a podcast, and all you need is a microphone and recording software.

If you think about some of the videos you’ve seen where someone is sitting in front of their camera and talking, and it doesn’t really tell you anything interesting, you’re well aware that those videos aren’t really teaching you anything. So instead of making a video like that, just make audio! Even if you plan on making videos in the future, getting started with podcasts is a good way to get used to the idea of ​​speaking instead of writing!

3. Podcasts are easy to consume

Another great benefit of recording a podcast is the ability to find a large audience. People enjoy listening to podcasts because of the information provided and they are quick and easy to consume.

People can listen to your podcast from anywhere in the world, as long as they have a listening device. Listening is easy, too, whether you’re at work or taking a walk (with headphones on while listening), or listening at home while cleaning and doing other chores. I usually garden on the weekends while listening to podcasts using my headphones while I work.

Being easily accessible will help your audience grow and make your podcast more successful. This also increases the chances that they will share the podcast with their friends and family on social media, which grows your podcast too!

Four. You can use your podcasts for advertising purposes

Don’t forget that podcasts are not only used to discuss various topics with your audience, but they can also help you earn money! You’ve heard some podcasts that use pre-roll ads (or mid-roll or post-roll ads).

When an advertiser approaches you and asks you to mention your business name on the podcast, you’re ready to increase your advertising on your podcast!

Some podcasts use affiliate marketing when they post the podcast, along with relevant links to other products.

There are many ways to make money with a podcast. All of them will help drive more traffic to your website or blog. And, if you sell products or services on or through your website or blog (and the podcast itself), you can create another source of income for your family!

All from your cozy living room! (Or dressing room; or renovated bedroom; or your car or “wherever you are”).

5. conclusion

If you’re considering whether or not creating a podcast is worth your time, you only need to ask yourself two questions:

1. Do you have a message to share?

2. Do you want to share it?

If you answer “yes” to both questions, give podcasting a try! There is a whole world of people looking for the content YOU want to share with them!

When you finally decide to start podcasting, it will benefit them as well as you! And you may be able to start a completely different career!

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