• September 9, 2022

12 Potty Training Tips for a Cocker Spaniel

So you’ve finally brought home the puppy you’ve always wanted. Once the excitement wears off, you will quickly remember that cocker spaniel potty training is extremely important. If you don’t properly train your pup, the whole house could end up needing carpet replacement or hardwood floors sanded and re-stained. That’s certainly not something you want to go through.

One of the first things you’ll want to do is make sure everyone in the family is on the same page about the training. There has to be a method to train and a way to handle corrections. This is the only way to ensure that your little pup can be potty trained quickly. For example, everyone should know that he is using positive reinforcement, not negative reinforcement. Cocker Spaniels are naturally happy puppies. They like to play, so patience will be required. The Cocker responds very favorably to positive, gentle and responsive handling.

Decide whether or not you want to teach your puppy to use a potty pad in the house or if you would like the puppy to be potty trained outside. Cocker Spaniel potty training is easy to do, once you know what exactly you’re trying to accomplish. You also have to make sure that you are always being consistent. You want to make sure you stay on top of the training process so you don’t cause any delays.

When your puppy goes potty in the right place, be sure to offer positive reinforcement in the form of treats or lots of verbal praise. When your pup starts to have an accident, simply pick her up and place her in the designated spot where it’s okay for her to relieve herself. Eventually, your pup will catch on and learn where he can go to please you.

Here are some tips and things to look for in Cocker Spaniel potty training.

1) Be aware of your cocker’s body language, watch for signs that suggest your dog is becoming anxious by pacing in circles or sniffing from place to place. Erratic behavior is also a good sign to look for.

2) Puppies need to go to the bathroom more often. Take the puppy to the desired potty spot as soon as he wakes up, right after a short nap, after meals, after playing, after being in the crate, and just before retiring for the day.

3) Cocker Spaniels are a gentle and sensitive breed by nature. During cocker spaniel potty training, they respond best to positive reinforcement. Praise your dog after he has emptied himself. Reward him with a treat right after. Be consistent and your pup will associate good behavior with treats and praise.

4) Signal training to alert you when your pup wants to go outside can be accomplished by hanging a bell or doorbell at his level on the way to the potty area. He rings the bell or chime with his paw. Then get out quick. The pup will learn this little trick quickly. Just be consistent.

5) Don’t let your dog wander all over the house during cocker spaniel potty training. This will make it easier for you to spot signs the dog may be exhibiting and avoid accidents.

6) It is very rare for a Cocker Spaniel to go against his house training. Medical or health problems can cause unexpected accidents.

7) Cocker Spaniels don’t like to be alone. If you don’t crate your dog while he’s gone for three to four hours, you can expect to come home to a dirty area. This is mainly due to separation anxiety. Sometimes leaving the radio on helps while you’re away.

Living in a tall building has its own challenge. You can potty train a small dog in a litter box. Use the same tips above to know when Mother Nature is calling. Stay with your Cocker until she has emptied herself. Reward your dog with treats and lots of praise.

9) Puppies need to go more often than adult dogs. Take the puppy to the designated area after napping, eating, drinking, playing, and after waking up in the morning. The pup will soon get the idea. Don’t forget to associate good manners with lots of praise and a treat.

10) If you have an older dog with potty problems, it’s best to start from scratch and retrain your dog. Watch for signs that your dog may want to revive himself. Keep the dog under close watch for signs.

11) Consistency and positive reinforcement will work wonders and make you the proud owner of a well-endowed, broken-down Cocker Spaniel. Remember that all members of the family should be on the same page about potty training the Cocker Spaniel.

12) Don’t expect an overnight miracle and you won’t be disappointed. Potty training can take months to deeply ingrain the behavior. You should start seeing results in as little as two weeks. Being consistent will shorten the time. If you mess up with the training, it will take more time.

Positive House Breaking Box Training

There is also the crate training option for Cocker Spaniel potty training. With the right size crate, you will find that your pup will not go to the bathroom in the crate. This is because he doesn’t want to go where he sleeps. As soon as you take your puppy out of the crate, take him to wherever he is allowed to go. Hang in there until he does, and then when he does, be sure to give him lots of extra praise. It’s important to make sure you always keep the crate a positive place for your pup to be. Never send your Cocker Spaniel to the crate as punishment as this could cause him a lot of emotional distress which will make the whole training process that much more difficult.

How to Get Help With Cocker Spaniel Potty Training

If all else fails, you might want to consider looking for a little extra help. There are many places that offer home demolition classes for a reasonable price. Although this is something you can still master on your own, it might be a little easier to get that little extra help. Depending on your dog’s personality and how consistent you are with Cocker Spaniel potty training, your puppy could be potty trained in a matter of a couple of weeks. The less consistent you are with the training, the longer the whole process will take.

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