• April 8, 2021

10 ways to learn to relax

No, I am not talking about time thieves or time wasters. I’m talking about doing something of benefit for yourself, for yourself. I am thinking of a habit, or habits, that can make you a better and happier person.

These require little energy, nor what would be called work, although there may be some effort. Your body will love you for them. Your mind will see greater inner peace. Your outlook will become more positive. You will learn to love yourself more.

So let’s try a few. And feel free to create your own.

1. Take a deep breath. How often do you breathe deeply? Probably not often. Take a minute and breathe in deeply, then breathe out fully. Inhale and exhale for a minute. Then hold the last breath for 15 seconds and then exhale. The result should be a more mentally relaxed mind.

2. Sing a favorite upbeat song. Sing it out loud to yourself. Listen to yourself. This can put you in a “better frame of mind”, a happier frame of mind about what you are doing right now or will be doing. Forget those fisheye looks from a family member or friend. Invite them to join in, and if they refuse, pity them because they are losing their own joy. You can’t sing, like me, then whistle. Learn to exercise this almost lost art. Remember that others may like to enjoy your singing or whistling. You’ll.

3. Turn off your cell phone for at least an hour. Your world will not end. No disaster will haunt you. Phones take up your time and affect your mind, even your peace of mind. It is your time and your peace of mind that is at stake.

4. Turn off the television for an hour, two or three hours. Television is more insidious than a telephone due to its effect on the mind and emotions. They are your mind and your emotions, so you need to control them. Can’t you stand yourself? Learn why it is your world.

5. When was the last time you laughed, I mean, did you really laugh? Learn to laugh. If you need to read the comics, go ahead and laugh out loud. I will try to go. Not a mechanical laugh for who said something funny or supposedly funny. Learn to laugh from the bottom of your mind and body. Remember that your life is a serious matter, but you also need to laugh.

6. Sit still. Did you ever try? It can actually be difficult, but when you learn to sit still for five minutes, your mind and body will improve. As you do so, erase all serious matters from your mind. Make your mind still too. Now relaxed, even for just five minutes, your mind and body will thank you for your gains.

7. Take an observation walk. Grab your camera and take pictures of a pretty insect, a flower in season, a pretty bird, maybe an animal that you like to see. Obviously I am not talking about a vigorous one, but one in which you can enjoy everything that is about you. Like taking time to smell the walk of roses.

8. Do you observe the birds? I mean really bird watching. See how two or more can play, or how they respect each other while they eat, watch when they sit down for a minute or two, and listen to them sing when you’re outside. You can learn from them.

9. Set a time each day, but surely each week to enjoy nature. Walk in a nearby park or woods. Look at the variety of plants and trees, how the sun shines through them, and the reflections and shadows it causes. Be calm as you go and you may see a deer, rabbit or squirrel, and surely wild birds. Observe them. Get out of yourself and learn something from their world. It can be very relaxing.

10. Now that you have the idea, make yourself a cool summer drink. Dream about yours that you like the most. I like lime and orange mixed with drinking water. Experiment to find the one you like best. Your personal drink. Reward yourself.

Relaxing is not a passing moment at work, or between TV shows, or on your computer. It is something that must be intentional, planned, and for the purpose of relaxation. Once you have a series of relaxations, let one more become a habit. Then you will discover that your life is better. Give them a try.

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