• July 7, 2022

5 useful tips for camping with a dog

Sometimes when you love camping, you want everyone special to you to experience it too. This includes your furry friends. It may seem overwhelming at first, but when done right, it could become one of the most memorable outdoor trips ever. Dogs love the outdoors, so it’s a given that they will enjoy this type…

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Looking for a pet: consider a rabbit

They can be cute and cuddly. They can be as playful as a puppy or kitten, but they are also curious and mischievous and love to chew. If your kids leave clothes on the floor, if you have tassels and strings hanging from curtains or furniture, you’ll soon learn that chewing is one of your…

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Pekingese Itch – Itch Scratch Series

The Pekingese often gets allergic skin disease from food allergy or canine atopic dermatitis. This can lead to itching, scratching, chewing, and licking, which in turn can lead to a secondary infection of the skin with bacteria or yeast. The common skin infection in dogs is caused by Staphylococcus intermedius. The common yeast infection in…

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Being stuck in the BAGS after weight loss

Remember when you weighed over 300 pounds and literally felt “stuck” in your clothes? Zip-up pants and tailored shirts weren’t your “style”, or closer to the truth, you couldn’t find any zip-up pants that fit or shirts that didn’t open with poppers! Elastic became your closest friend! Remember how self-conscious you were not bending over…

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Depression – Buster Strategies

Unfortunately, moving to a new place brings with it the chance that you will feel down from time to time for a myriad of reasons. Sometimes you don’t even realize you’re depressed, and when someone tells you that you seem depressed, you can get defensive. But sometimes it pays to listen to those who notice…

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Solving the Pet Overpopulation Crisis

Eleven million domestic cats and dogs die in the United States each year, and alarmingly, the number continues to rise each year. Before there were 10 million, now there are 11,000,000. There are 11,000,000 lives that are extinguished simply because they do not have a home that loves them. They are healthy animals that deserve…

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How to care for betta fish

Betta fish or Siamese fighting fish are very popular pets. Not only are they beautiful with their long tails, but they also have great personalities. Bettas are often referred to as “scaly cats and dogs” underwater. Although they have great personalities, they tend to be aggressive towards other bettas (both male and female) so they…

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Keep serious diseases away

Health problems are possible with basically any family pet you bring into your home, while an adequate small percentage of dogs and cats at any one time produce health problems that you still need to be aware of. Health in case you are a good German shepherd. Your current vet and also your current cat…

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Why is your cat not eating?

If your cat won’t eat, be aware that stress can be a major cause of a cat’s loss of appetite. Just as stress in humans can lead to loss of appetite, the same can happen in cats. Felines can be very sensitive animals and your cat may be under more stress than you think. Your…

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The pioneering Greek immigrants of Biloela

Biloela This is the story of young immigrants from the small towns of southern Rhodes (Rhodes Island, Greece) who came to work in the sugarcane and cotton fields of Biloela, Queensland, Australia. These early immigrants were overwhelmed with nostalgia for their native towns, the families they left behind, and their church. However, they took the…

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