• July 31, 2021

How to remove a broken radio antenna from my 2000 Ford Fiesta Finesse MK5

This guide works for the 2003 Ford Fiesta and also for other models like the 2005 Ford Fiesta MK5. They have almost the same features, so what I am going to discuss about the 2003 Ford Fiesta will also work for other models. Make good use of this guide to troubleshoot your vehicle yourself. It is no longer necessary to call a mechanic. You, alone, can easily perform the following steps.

The first thing to do is know that there are two basic parts to the roof of the Ford Fiesta: the long, flexible antenna and the more coagulated base. The roof of the car is connected to the latter. While the aerial part is the one that can be easily unscrewed with your hands.

Use a thin pick or small blade between the car plastic covering the light on the inside and the gray outline. Drop the clear plastic covering the area and it should also come loose. Be careful with the procedure because it must be done right.

The next thing that happens is to see the housing of the bulb. First of all, remove it first and set it aside. Slide the thin sheet around the corner of the bulb housing and be careful when removing it. If you need a partner while doing this, then you can find one who can help you. By now, you should be looking at the bottom and bottom of the antenna mount. You can undo the bolt just by using a screwdriver. This should produce the base of the antenna from the roof of the car.

There are many reasons why you need to remove the antenna from your vehicle. Maybe it’s already broken and you should change its antenna. You just want the best for yourself, right? The next thing is to modify your Ford and you want to replace the antenna with a new one. Then you have finished your work. It’s pretty easy to do this, right?

Keeping your car in good condition is a big yes to driving your vehicle. You can get in touch with your vehicle and at the same time you can be aware of the essence of your car. Who knows you could be doing this alone and without someone’s help? Remember, by owning a car, you take responsibility for maintaining your health and keeping your balance.

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