• July 7, 2023

How to make your link building effective

Link building has become an important part of search engine optimization and is widely used by internet marketing companies around the world to help their clients drive more traffic to their websites. So what is link building? Link building is getting external websites to drive traffic to your website. That’s right, you use this to…

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Your Cheat Sheet for Choosing a Domain Name for Your Website

We deal with a lot of things while developing a new website, but we rarely worry about domain name disciplines. Domain names often act like a juggernaut when it comes to creating leverage on click-through rate, write traffic, branding, building trust, oral advertising, offline advertising and getting more attention online. the SERPs. So from all…

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The SEO Halo Effect

The halo effect is a cognitive bias that occurs when a person’s positive or negative traits seem to “spill over” from one area of ​​their personality to another in others’ perceptions of them. (As defined by Wikipedia). How is the halo effect applied to SEO? Everyone who cares about SEO should know that it takes…

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Teaching data entry to new employees

So everyone needs training, do we agree? Approved! Let’s go! Your new hire said he knew everything, typed a million words a minute, and was fast as a gun. After dividing up assignments and handing out materials, he found himself analyzing his performance only to discover that he believes they lack the fundamental skills needed…

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Get Free YouTube Marketing

Why should you take the time to market on YouTube? There are many other sources of advertising that you can consider, so why would YouTube be one of the options you include on your list? There are actually a number of reasons why YouTube can work so well, sometimes much better than other avenues, and…

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Double your marketing impact and make a quick buck by damaging your products on purpose

Want to know about a weird and weird (but highly effective) way to add another 5, 10, 15% or more to the response of your marketing promotions? So listen to this: One of the best “marketing” stories I ever heard was about the furniture dealer who had a “scratch and dent” sale selling water-damaged furniture…

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5 important benefits of Google Analytics in SEO

In this technology-prone age, nothing seems to be permanent. Things keep changing to make a better place in the global markets. Amidst this discussion, Google Analytics is booming in every nook and corner of the world. This tool now keeps everyone on their toes and wants to make a great story. Wondering what Google Analytics…

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What Google Said About Plastic Surgeons

I meet with my team every week to go over our numbers to make sure we’re on track (I highly recommend you do the same) and I’m not happy with the results. Our organic reach and ad results on Facebook and Instagram decreased significantly. It has to do with the IOS update and no more…

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Should marketing be a factor in selecting a general contractor?

As an owner, you have a hard time identifying top general contractors (GCs) on a very crowded playing field where many of the players look the same on the surface. You most likely have several criteria that you consider before hiring a GC, but have you considered that their marketing approach could give insight into…

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Coaching Model for Business Success

Also known as the ‘transition process’, the U-Process business success coaching is coaching for the transition towards change. The client who receives the coaching experience can change in her emotions, from denial to acceptance and moving on. There are three stages to the U Scharmer coaching process. These are feeling, presence and awareness. These three…

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